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So You Want To Eat Healthier
So You Want To Eat Healthier
So You Want To Eat Healthier
Ebook62 pages48 minutes

So You Want To Eat Healthier

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About this ebook

The title says it all. This book is for those who want to eat healthier.


What does that look like for you? What are your challenges to changing your life to make that happen? How do you sustain that change once you've achieved it?


In the pages of this book you'll see how one person approached those questions and managed to lose 10% of their body weight while (hopefully) creating sustainable habits that will keep that weight off and lead to eating healthier for the long-term.


This book does not include recipes but it does include links to trusted resources that do provide recipes.

PublisherCassie Leigh
Release dateJul 21, 2024
So You Want To Eat Healthier

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    Book preview

    So You Want To Eat Healthier - Cassie Leigh

    So You Want to Eat Healthier



    Quick and Easy Cooking for One





    How I Have Lost Weight

    What about Counting Calories?

    What Is Eating Healthy?

    It Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive or Fancy

    You Have to Monitor Yourself

    Get Your Health in Order First


    A Thought on Intermittent Fasting

    Make it Easy on Yourself

    Sustaining Change

    Enjoy the Journey

    Find Other Comforts

    Surround Yourself with Support

    Outside Factors

    Summing It Up


    About the Author




    What am I doing writing a book about being healthier? I don’t know, but here we are.

    Recently I had to lose 10% of my body weight for health reasons, which had me thinking about eating healthy and losing weight and sustainable weight loss. And about how hard it is to eat healthy when what that means for every single person is different.

    For me, for example, eating heart-healthy might mean eating something like spinach. For someone who has had open-heart surgery and is on life-long blood thinners, spinach would be a horrible idea, because it would mess with the effectiveness of their medications.

    Another example. I remember growing up when everyone was into eating grapefruit for breakfast, because that was supposedly healthy for you. But many medicines that people take these days don’t mix well with grapefruit, which means it isn’t for them.

    So eating healthy has to be a personal thing because only you know your situation.

    There’s also the psychology of it. I know a woman who has been a health nut forever. One of the things she eats for breakfast is an egg white omelet with salsa. Sounds healthy, right? I also had a co-worker who used to snack on soy nuts. Also healthy.

    Which, hey, if you can eat tasteless food and be satisfied, that’s great. But for most of us, that’s not going to be the case, and trying to force ourselves to eat flavorless healthy foods is going to backfire. Because we won’t be able to sustain that year in and year out for the rest of our lives. For a couple weeks for a vacation or a couple months for a wedding? Sure. But for a lifetime? Hell no.

    So instead of giving you specific recipes or a diet to follow, I’m going to spend this book talking about healthy eating in general as well as mental attitude, lifestyle, and personal philosophy. Those are the areas you have to really master to lose weight and keep it off long-term.

    Now, I’m not a nutrition expert. I’m not a doctor. I’m also not some uber-healthy marathon runner. I’m just a person who was in the overweight category, who needed to bring that down, and has some healthy, sustainable (hopefully) tricks for doing so.

    Maybe they will work for you, maybe they won’t. Maybe they help you find what does work for you even if it wouldn’t work for me. (Soy nuts anyone?)

    Even if you don’t manage to lose a bunch of weight (which is probably, honestly, not a good idea if you want to keep what you lose off), I want you to walk away from this book healthier. Or with a plan for how to be healthier.

    I was going to include recipes in this book, but honestly there are recipes available everywhere for free. Better to give you the foundation to build on than the answer, which doesn’t actually exist and is different for each person.

    So you’re going to have to take those next steps yourself, keeping in mind what will work best for you and your health issues.

    Okay then, let’s get started.


    I have lost 10% or more of my body weight three times in my life.

    The first was when I was broke as could be and went back to college. I was suddenly walking all over a large campus every day (so exercising

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