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Black Summoner: Volume 19
Black Summoner: Volume 19
Black Summoner: Volume 19
Ebook269 pages5 hours

Black Summoner: Volume 19

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The threat of the Ten Authorities continues to loom as gigantic stakes appear across the world and several powerful figures are attacked.

Baldogg has been assigned to Serge, while a mysterious hooded man has gone after Goldiana. How will they fare? With so many unknowns as the Ten Authorities try to face off against the strongest in the world, will it even be a fight? What of those left behind in Lumiest, like Dorothiara? And what is Kelvin doing while all this is happening?

Meanwhile, Luquille continues to lurk and scheme in the shadows. Fights, intrigue, and rescue missions abound in this new volume of Black Summoner!

PublisherJ-Novel Club
Release dateNov 27, 2024
Black Summoner: Volume 19

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    Book preview

    Black Summoner - Doufu Mayoi

    Chapter 1: Tempering

    Having manifested his Authority, a pair of wings unfolded out of his back. They were white, despite the fact that he was a fallen angel. Actually, rather than wings, they were more like a mass of particles. The trees, flowers, grass, rocks, and even the earth itself were being broken down into pure energy and stored in his wings.

    Smiths who have reached the realm of the divine no longer care to choose the place, materials, or even tools. They are able to always create the best arms and armor no matter the situation. But my smithy happens to be somewhat dangerous. Anything without a will, or more importantly, anything weak, will be dismantled. This is my Authority: Tempering! Baldogg boasted.

    Mm-hmm, it looks like I can expect a little entertainment from this? Serge muttered. Well, words alone mean nothing, anyway!

    On the other side, Serge morphed her Holy Sword Will into its club form, Holy Club Nyoibou, twirling it around in place of her warm-up exercises. The weapon was long, seemingly around two meters, but she was spinning it with incredible speed, making the club invisible to the naked eye. It wasn’t even at the level of leaving behind afterimages. The club had quite literally become invisible.

    Hmph, pretty interesting trick, said Baldogg. But do you really think that’ll be enough to beat me?

    I wonder, replied Serge. Well, I guess it depends on how hard you fight?

    A portion of the particles of Baldogg’s wings gathered in his hand, instantly forming a bow. Furthermore, various swords and spears were formed in the air around him. It was as though the very air surrounding him was a forge.

    Scatter and vanish. Baldogg pointed the bow in his hands at Serge, and the weapons around him locked on to his target as well. The next instant, they all flew at her, as if having been flung.


    Each impact came with an explosion powerful enough to change the landscape. Of course they did, since each weapon was powerful enough to be Rank S. Merely throwing them produced enough destructive might to easily produce such casualties.

    I can’t measure how much confidence you have in your strength, but don’t you think it was careless not to move at all, even in the face of all those explosions? No matter how fast you swing your weapon, it’s impossible to sweep away all of mine. They’re absolutely stronger than yours—the stuff of myths.

    In front of Baldogg were a multitude of craters, each with a weapon in the center, stuck into the earth. Unfortunately, these craters were also thick with black smoke, so it was impossible to see through them. But given all the explosions, even on the off chance his enemy survived all that, his mass of weapons was powerful enough to be Rank S and had vicious skills to match. Baldogg was sure that the battle was won, convinced that no human could do anything against him.

    Which...well, set up a flag, in a certain sense. He was better at it than Serge already.

    Whoa there, how am I alive? Was I lucky? Or does my opponent just have no control at all? Serge taunted him. Either way, you should aim better. There wasn’t even any need for me to dodge.

    Huh? Baldogg responded angrily after a moment. Suddenly, a fierce wind whipped up, blowing away all the smoke. It looked like Serge had done this from within by spinning her club. And as her flippant attitude indicated, she was totally fine—completely untouched, in fact.

    The weapons Baldogg had thrown had definitely managed to create several large craters, destroying their surroundings. There was no doubt about that. However, that was all. The weapons he was so proud of, which he had unleashed at Serge, had all gone off in wild directions. It was as if they’d purposefully avoided her, as only the area she was standing on was safe from the destruction.

    What?! She’s completely unhurt?! That’s impossible! The arrow I just shot is supposed to chase its target to the ends of the universe! And it’s unthinkable for all the weapons to have missed her when she didn’t move at all! There’s no way they’d scatter so conveniently like that! Baldogg screamed internally.

    The things he trusted most in this world were the weapons made by his own hand. His trust in them was equal to his adoration of the wicked god, Addams, whom he worshipped as the one and only god. And that was exactly why he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Even if his target was the strongest obstacle in this world that could oppose them, he could never have imagined his weapons would throw up an error against a mere human.

    I’m a maiden, in the end; I don’t want to get my hair dirty. I’m glad I went with Nyoibou, since I was able to drive away all that smoke and dust, Serge thought.

    While Baldogg was flabbergasted, she simply continued to spin her club. She was maintaining the invisibility of her weapon, though it was creating an eerie, alien sound as it sliced through the air., mm-hmm, judging from that elated, smug face he was making until just a moment ago, he’s got no detection skills to speak of? Serge pondered her observations. Actually, it doesn’t seem like he knows all that much about me. Awww, that’s so sad for him. So he really came to fight me all ignorant like that. That would’ve been huge points in his favor if only he’d been a cute girl. But for him to be a man... I’m so unlucky!

    Serge was exasperatingly narcissistic. However, she had started to think about her next move. Her enemy had shown a disappointingly wide opening. She wasn’t such a bleeding heart that she’d let such a chance pass her by.


    The sound of a scathing blunt blow came from Baldogg’s cheek. An even more severe sense of pain came afterward. Though he’d given her an opening, for a moment, Baldogg didn’t understand what had attacked him. Still, he immediately understood after looking at Serge. She was holding a club that had extended to an impossible length.

    By continuing the high-speed rotation that made the weapon invisible, and furthermore having it extend with good timing, she had been able to land a beautiful hit on his face. Although the logic of it was simple, it was a godly move that likely only she could pull off.

    But Serge reacted like she’d hit a target in a shooting game at a fair, saying, Oooh, I hit it!

    You falsified your weapon?! Baldogg shouted accusingly.

    What do you mean, falsified? It’s Nyoibou. Of course it extends, Serge replied. Well, I guess I did hit you pretty hard, so I should praise you for not having your head fly off, though, you did lose your glasses.

    Baldogg let out a strangled noise as veins popped out on his face in anger. He was in a pose one step away from falling flat after being hit that hard, with one hand on the ground to help stabilize him. He slammed the ground with that hand, turning the entire area into energy that enveloped his body, transforming him.

    He took a couple deep, deliberate breaths. Fine, I will acknowledge you as an enemy and finish you with all my might.

    Baldogg stood up, now clad in a gaudy full set of armor. It shone so bright it was impossible to believe that it used to be dirt, and it emanated a force that unconsciously pressured those who looked upon the wearer to prostrate themselves. That was likely some sort of ability of the armor itself, but the one who was currently looking at it only thought that the wearer seemed kind of arrogant.

    What, you weren’t being serious?! Wow, I’m shocked! You have no sense of danger! Serge feigned surprise.

    Stop your drivel! Baldogg shouted.

    Serge’s obvious playacting had exhausted Baldogg’s store of patience. He could no longer find it in himself to show any mercy, so he started to bring out materials that had been in Storage since the age of the gods. He created and deployed numerous mythical weapons, each of which was the equal of Melfina’s Holy Lance Answerer.

    "Wow, now that’s a spectacle! Serge exclaimed. Then let me get in on this too! Holy Sword Willjillion!"

    As if competing with Baldogg’s mass of weapons, Serge deployed even more copies of Holy Sword Willjillion. This face-off of massed weapons, just one set of which could warp space-time, made it seem like the end of the world was coming.

    The host of Holy Sword Willjillions clashed with that of the mythical weapons. The damage done whenever blades clashed was beyond words. No matter which side won, this entire area would be turned into a wasteland.

    In the midst of such a disastrous conflict, Serge had morphed the Will in her hand into its bow form, Holy Bow Artemis. Of course, Baldogg had a bow in his hands as well, which meant the next moment was filled with an intense exchange of shots. But neither side managed to land an effective hit on the other. Serge’s arrows would strike Baldogg every time, but his armor made it so that he essentially took no damage. Given that a single arrow from Holy Bow Artemis could create a large crater in the ground, one could only imagine how absurd the defense value of the armor was. As things stood, not even hundreds of arrows could bring Baldogg down.

    On the other hand, Baldogg’s arrows had yet to land a single hit on Serge. Following the example set by the first attack, the world itself seemed to refuse to allow the bow to exhibit its power. This absurdity was approaching unfair, and it defied all logic. But no matter how much Baldogg wailed and complained, the arrows continued to seemingly dodge out of Serge’s way. It also didn’t seem like he’d be able to even graze his target, no matter how many hundreds of arrows he unleashed. Moreover, the factors that put them in a stalemate extended to the storm of weapons around them as well. The same story was playing out, where Baldogg’s side wouldn’t take damage even when hit and his attacks seemingly dodged of their own volition.

    Aha, that makes sense. Even if you’re rotten, you still presided over smithing at one point. The specs of your weapons catalog—and that alone—is impressive, Serge admitted.

    I never expected you to be able to mess with my weapons this much. Even when facing other gods in the past, finding one as ridiculous as you was rare. You can be proud...but still! Baldogg shouted. He shot an arrow, and at the same time, he glared at the Will in Serge’s hands.

    "I thought I recognized that weapon. It’s one of my imitator’s works!" he exclaimed.

    Hm? Imitator? Serge seemed confused.

    Yes, exactly! Baldogg agreed. The ability to change shape freely into whatever the user wishes is exactly like Ridwan, which I made out of divine iron! I bet some god blindly imitated me after we were sealed away, and it looks like whoever it was didn’t do a very good job! Compared to Ridwan, that’s a total failure!

    Hah! Hah! Hah. Serge laughed boldly, but she quieted down mid-laugh. Then, after a pause, she said, I don’t think I can let that one go.

    Her voice was a mite lower, and the arrow she fired in retaliation hit Baldogg in the face. Unfortunately, his helmet seemed to absorb the blow, and the arrow fell powerlessly to the ground.

    Ha ha ha ha! You can try to intimidate me all you want, but the results are plain to see! My Ridwan is nothing like that defective piece of junk! Baldogg boasted. He surpasses the framework of simple weaponry or armor to have his own will! Having the unassailable toughness to not succumb to any attack is his pride! He can transform into a multitude of different things, regardless of the era! As a a tool of war, the stuff he is made of is just different! It absolutely is!

    Huh, I see. That’s amazing, said Serge. You might actually be the pinnacle of all smiths. But... Serge rushed at her opponent, stepping on air and becoming as the wind itself.

    Seeing that, Baldogg immediately moved to intercept with one of his weapons. However, it still didn’t hit.

    As a weapon user, you’re barely third-rate, she finished.


    With lightning speed, Will changed from a bow to a large hammer. Now with Holy Hammer Mjolnir in hand, Serge swung at Baldogg with all her might. Not even the fallen angel’s armor was able to absorb all of the force of that attack, and Baldogg was sent crashing back to the ground.

    Grkhh...heh heh...heh ha ha ha ha! I told you, it’s meaningless! he exclaimed. No matter how much you transform it, that weapon won’t—

    He was still essentially unhurt as he tried to stand up again. But before his mouth could spit his next words with his haughty, confident tone, Serge was already right next to him, making her next attack.

    Holy Katana Masamune, she declared.

    Will’s next change was used to make a series of drawing slashes at close range. These attacks, which brought to mind Survivor’s secret technique, came like an avalanche, all accurately targeting the slight gaps in the joints of Baldogg’s plate. Serge couldn’t match Survivor in terms of her skill at this technique, but her incredibly high stats made up for the lack of skill, allowing her to make her attacks with nearly the same power and speed as her former comrade.

    Baldogg let out a grunt. It’s useless! Totally useless! You don’t learn, do you?! Not to mention, you were careless! You got too close!

    Serge made a surprised noise. Even after all that effort, her attacks had not penetrated Baldogg’s armor. In fact, the recoil she felt from striking the protective gear actually hurt. It was an effect of Baldogg’s Authority, Tempering. His ability to break down the substances around him extended to Serge as well. No matter how strong her protagonist buff from Absolute Gospel was, she couldn’t dodge an ability that affected all the space around her through sheer luck.

    I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep acting like a gentleman forever! Stop resisting and become the materials for one of my works! Baldogg said.

    In the blink of an eye, all of Serge’s equipment was broken down. Her Heavenly Garment Mitos, God Hand Iero, and Eternal Boots Zage—all things lovingly used for many years by her and precious partners to her—were taken away. Only Will remained, still in Serge’s hands.

    My Will isn’t weak enough to be disassembled by you. Also, watch out for your head, she told him.

    Huh? Agrkh!

    Holy Sword Will Durandal had flown up above Baldogg’s head to deliver a surprise attack. Serge had amassed the Willjillions that had been warring in the air into one mass to make the giant sword that had just struck her opponent. Sparks flew from Baldogg’s armor as the giant sword attempted to bisect him vertically. In the end, though, the armor held. She was just one step short of a decisive blow.

    As for Baldogg, he’d lost sight of Serge, who had been right in front of him just a moment before. The instant his gaze had traveled elsewhere when he’d been hit by the surprise attack had been enough for her to disappear.

    Tch! So much useless struggling! Baldogg scoffed with irritation. Allow me to break this dull thing down first!

    He spread his white wings, the tips of which started to split into sharp needles. Then, the needles stabbed into the giant sword, acting like syringes that allowed Baldogg to start forcibly disassembling the weapon. At the same time, he made the mass of weapons, which was still in the air, rain down in a random pattern.

    Even if he managed to see and target her, his attacks would just miss. So he opted to hit a wide area with a single attack. And even though he couldn’t see her, he had no need to fear her attacks. He likely thought he’d be safe if he brought his weapons in close. It was obvious, and of course, Serge could read that intention as well.

    I knew it. You’re far too easygoing and unsuited to the front lines of battle, she said. You’re prioritizing your urge to create over winning against me.

    Baldogg let out a grunt. So that’s where you are!

    Responding to the voice coming from behind him, he reflexively launched a weapon he had on hand. However, when he turned around, Serge was nowhere to be seen.

    Euthanasia. Once again, Serge’s voice could be heard coming from behind Baldogg. But this time, the voice was intoning a spell.

    This... It’s?! A coffin-shaped barrier formed around Baldogg. The giant sword his wings had stabbed into disappeared before he noticed, leaving only him inside the barrier.

    Borrowing a move from someone who was once a comrade to defeat an enemy... Yeah, don’t you think that’s pretty protagonist-esque? Serge asked.

    No matter how many times he turned around or checked his surroundings, Baldogg couldn’t find Serge anywhere. Even when he turned to face where her voice was coming from, it would instantly start coming from another angle.

    You fool! How can you talk about defeating me when you can’t even produce any appreciable amount of damage?! Baldogg shouted. Ah, I see. I get what you’re plotting now. Since you can’t defeat me, you’re going to seal me away instead! Heh heh, do you really think a barrier like this can hold me? Just you wait, I’ll break this down in a—


    A mechanical whirring sound could be heard coming from behind Baldogg.

    Jeez, you went and ruined my best outfit. I’ll have to hand out divine punishment on behalf of all womankind, Serge said.

    The weapon was too off to be called a sword. It was composed of many tiny blades forming a serrated pattern. Such a blade was completely unique, impossible to find anywhere else. However, the standout feature was that the blade itself seemed to be spinning at hyperspeed. Tiny linked blades curved around the body of the sword and were spinning so fast as to become a single piece, giving off an overwhelming sense of presence, as though asserting that they were the true weapon. Furthermore, the part of the handle where a guard would normally be was where the mechanical sounds were coming from, and it was like the sword itself was trying to intimidate its surroundings. If Kelvin or Rion had heard this sound, they would have likened it to a motorcycle engine. To be fair, the engine part would have been correct.


    Baldogg took a moment to process what he was seeing. Hah! Is that supposed to be a chainsaw?

    Oh? Serge responded. That’s surprising. I didn’t expect a god like you to recognize it. This is my super secret technique, a chainsaw type Will. Its name is Holy Murderer God-Killing.

    Serge, with her Holy Sword Will in chainsaw mode, struck a pose

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