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Rusty Nails
Rusty Nails
Rusty Nails
Ebook31 pages24 minutes

Rusty Nails

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About this ebook

In "Rusty Nails," a gripping YA fantasy, sixteen-year-old Aria navigates a dystopian world where self-worth is measured by "nails" – high-tech implants that serve as status symbols. As Aria's grandfather falls ill, she questions the materialistic society she's grown up in, uncovering a hidden community of philosophers who reject the nail-centric culture.

Torn between her desire for acceptance and a growing awareness of the emptiness in her materialistic existence, Aria embarks on a journey through virtual realities and underground meetups. She confronts powerful corporations controlling nail technology while grappling with profound questions about identity, authenticity, and true happiness.

The narrative expertly blends action-packed sequences with introspective moments, bringing to life a vivid futuristic setting where the pursuit of digital status threatens both individual well-being and the environment.

Release dateSep 16, 2024
Rusty Nails

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    Book preview

    Rusty Nails - Kylian Quinn

    The Shiny World of Nails: Aria's Digital Dilemma

    Aria's eyes fluttered open, the soft blue glow of her nails illuminating her face in the pre-dawn darkness. She didn't need an alarm; her body was attuned to the gentle vibrations emanating from the high-tech implants embedded in her fingertips. With a thought, she activated her nail display, holographic numbers hovering above her hand: 05:30. Perfect. She had exactly two hours before school to curate her daily look and rack up some early engagement points.

    Swinging her legs out of bed, Aria padded over to her floor-to-ceiling smart mirror. The glass came to life, sensors detecting her presence and flooding the room with soft, flattering light. Her reflection stared back at her, a canvas waiting to be adorned. With a series of practiced gestures, Aria began cycling through nail designs, each more dazzling than the last.

    Holo-shimmer or neo-chrome? she mused aloud, her voice triggering the mirror's AI assistant.

    Based on current trends and your personal style profile, holo-shimmer has a 78% higher engagement potential, the mirror replied in a soothing voice. Aria nodded, selecting the iridescent, ever-shifting pattern with a flick of her wrist. The nails on her left hand began to glow, the implants beneath her skin working in harmony to project the chosen design onto her nails.

    As she waited for the right hand to sync up, Aria scrolled through her social feed, projected directly onto the mirror's surface. Likes, comments, and status updates from her network flowed past her eyes in a dizzying stream of information. A notification popped up, catching her attention: Congrats! Your NailScore has increased by 5 points. You are now in the top 15% of your age group!

    A smile tugged at Aria's lips. The validation sent a warm rush through her body, a feeling she had come to crave. In this world, your NailScore was everything. It determined your social standing, your opportunities, even your dating prospects. And Aria was determined to climb higher, to

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