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The Flight From Hell

The Flight From Hell

FromFrom the Heart with Rachel Brathen

The Flight From Hell

FromFrom the Heart with Rachel Brathen

56 minutes
Sep 22, 2017
Podcast episode


In this episode Rachel tells the hilarious story of how she flew from Stockholm to Aruba last week and how everything that could have gone wrong did (at the same time!). Prepare for some very disgusting but crazy funny storytelling! She also talks a little bit about anger and transforming it through comic relief. 
Sep 22, 2017
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Rachel Brathen, known as Yoga Girl, is an international yoga teacher and speaker, bestselling author and serial entrepreneur who inspires millions every day. Now – Rachel offers an even more intimate look into her life and the inspiring journey. Weekly episodes of storytelling and talks from Rachel (sometimes alongside special guests!) dive into topics such as love, trust, finding balance, overcoming adversity and of course, yoga and well-being. The light you are seeking is within your own heart. Join Rachel as she helps you uncover it, from her heart to yours.