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Episode 8 - Patsy Moore

Episode 8 - Patsy Moore

FromEveryone's Agnostic Podcast

Episode 8 - Patsy Moore

FromEveryone's Agnostic Podcast

93 minutes
Aug 18, 2014
Podcast episode


Singer/songwriter, poet, Patsy Moore is our guest.  Cass became a fan of Patsy’s in the 90’s when she had 2 albums in the Christian market.  Now a student of New Thought Metaphysics, Patsy, Bob, and Cass have a good conversation about Ferguson, Robin Williams, suicide, and the longing for Home.  Check it out!  
Aug 18, 2014
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Cass Midgley and Marie D'Elephant interview people you don't know about a subject no one wants to talk about: deconstructing faith.