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Decolonizing Sex

Decolonizing Sex

FromAll My Relations Podcast

Decolonizing Sex

FromAll My Relations Podcast

43 minutes
Mar 19, 2019
Podcast episode


Join us for a second discussion with Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Dr. Kim Tallbear on All My Relations. We'll explore Kim's “life project” of critical polyamory, her journey through feminism, her processes of writing in, with, and for community, and Kim treats us with some of her poetry, the “Critical polyamorist 100s”.AMR so far has explored our relationships between community, land, food, and kin. Now we have a chance to dive into what it means to be in good relation with other humans (on a sexual and non sexual level), while maintaining and balancing our responsibilities to our other relations, and questioning a hierarchy that places human relations first. Kim is never “single,” she is always in committed relationships with human and non-human relations.Follow us!Kim's Twitter.Matika's Twitter and Instagram.Adrienne's Twitter and Instagram.If you'd like to send us a voicemail visit to be featured on our upcoming episodes!Support the show (
Mar 19, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (52)

Welcome! All My Relations is a podcast hosted by Matika Wilbur (Swinomish and Tulalip) and Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation) to explore our relationships— relationships to land, to our creatural relatives, and to one another.  Each episode invites guests to delve into a different topic facing Native American peoples today. We keep it real, play some games, laugh a lot, and even cry sometimes. We invite you to join us!