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FE1.3 - The Loneliest Plants

FE1.3 - The Loneliest Plants

FromFuture Ecologies

FE1.3 - The Loneliest Plants

FromFuture Ecologies

48 minutes
Aug 1, 2018
Podcast episode


What do you do when you find the last individual of a species previously thought to be extinct? The two rarest plants on earth both live in the Presidio of San Francisco, they’re both in the same genus, and there’s only one left of each. Is there a future for these species, and if so, what does it look like? And what can species on the brink tell us about ourselves and the future of our ecosystems?
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Aug 1, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (94)

Future Ecologies is a podcast about relationships: between, within, amongst, and all around us. Made for audiophiles and nature lovers alike, every episode is an invitation to see the world in a new light – set to original music & immersive soundscapes, and weaving together interviews with expert knowledge holders.