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34 minutes
May 12, 2020
Podcast episode


Danielle Kent is the founder of The Connected Caregiver. She helps parents to support problem solving and regulation skills in their children. My biggest takeaway from this episode? I will no longer call it home schooling! @theconnectedcaregiver
May 12, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Welcome to the Work+Life Harmony Podcast, where you will learn practical tips on all things time management, organization and productivity for women. Are you feeling overwhelmed, frazzled and exhausted trying to do #allthethings? Each week, you will hear practical advice, real stories, and awesome interviews from other women that are finding work+life harmony as they juggle (not balance) their lives, families, work and businesses ...without sacrificing themselves or the things they love.You’ll walk away feeling empowered and equipped to manage your time, get organized, and skyrocket your productivity!