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Discovering YOUR Life Essentials

Discovering YOUR Life Essentials

FromFind The Magic

Discovering YOUR Life Essentials

FromFind The Magic

32 minutes
Jan 14, 2019
Podcast episode


At the end of most days, do you feel like you are failing or succeeding? We will help you discover for yourself what is essential for YOU to become your best self and to feel like you are succeeding. Most of us spend most of our day doing important things, but miss doing the essential things that are truly aligned with our core values, and over time, will help us create our best life.

Here are the steps to discover and implement YOUR essentials:
1. Make 3 lists of the important things you do or would like to do in your day, separating them into 3 lists: Essentials, Super Important, and Good to Do. Then look at your lists again and move things around until the items left in your essentials are truly a SHORT list of things that help you become who you want to become. These aren’t classic to do lists; they are more like to BECOME lists. Our lists are below as examples of possibilities. Both of us have our Miracle Morning Routine on it, which centers on us taking time to connect with ourselves, with our goals, and with God. Our miracle morning routines includes Meditation (Silence), affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, writing (scribing.) It’s a good idea to write 2 essentials lists: one for yourself, and one for your stewardship/career. (We have one for us and for our kids.)**

2. Make it non-negotiable. Think of something already non-negotiable in your life, and figuratively put into that same space. Eliminate decision making fatigue.

3. Make a quick list of how doing these essentials over your time in your life will make you feel. Keep asking the question until you get to a feeling: happy? Peaceful? Content? Worthwhile? Take a minute to tap into that feeling NOW so you can come from a place of abundance.

4. Print of a year at a year at a glance calendar - and put it somewhere you will see it often. Taralyn’s is on her bathroom mirror. Mark off each day you do your essentials list. (We do one slash of an X for personal, and one for kids or career). The idea is to fill up as much of the year as possible, and not to worry when you miss a day. Over a year, a decade, or a life, all the days add up, and there is no such thing as all or nothing with this. any year at a glance calendar will do:)


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Jan 14, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Helping you honor yourself, your children and your partner. Tips and strategies to create peace, integrity and love within your family. Support this podcast: