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Comfort Horror / Halloween (1978) with Michael Roffman

Comfort Horror / Halloween (1978) with Michael Roffman

FromPsychoanalysis: A Horror Therapy Podcast

Comfort Horror / Halloween (1978) with Michael Roffman

FromPsychoanalysis: A Horror Therapy Podcast

95 minutes
Oct 8, 2020
Podcast episode


T’is the season to get spooky and what better way to do it than with John Carpenter’s slasher classic, Halloween. Join Jenn, Lara, and Mike along with special guest Michael Roffman to talk about why we love returning to Haddonfield year after year and the enduring power of The Shape.
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Music notes:
"Infinite Perspective" by Kevin MacLeod
"Long Note Three" by Kevin MacLeod
"Emotion Picture" by Bill Ironfield
Logo artwork by Jess Snively
Oct 8, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Ever wonder why anxious people love horror movies? Curious about how having the daylights scared out of you can help you feel better? Hosts Jenn Adams, Lara Unnerstall, and therapist Mike Snoonian break it down (and back it up with academic research) on Psychoanalysis: A Horror Therapy Podcast. Each month, we’ll take an in-depth look at a topic in the mental health field like anxiety, PTSD, and toxic relationships. For our bi-weekly episodes, we’ll pair topics with a horror film and analyze its plot and characters through the lens of mental health. We’ll also discuss our own mental health exp