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The Great Astronomers - Part 2 - Sir William Herschel

The Great Astronomers - Part 2 - Sir William Herschel

FromThe AstroGuy Podcast

The Great Astronomers - Part 2 - Sir William Herschel

FromThe AstroGuy Podcast

16 minutes
May 15, 2022
Podcast episode


In this episode, the second in a series about the Great Astronomers through history, we take a deep dive into the life and discoveries or Sir William Herschel.  Herschel was a true renaissance man and achieved a great deal in his life.  He was a very accomplished musician and composer as well as making some of the most important scientific discoveries of his time.  He discovered the first planet beyond Saturn, discovered infrared radiation and more than 2000 deep sky objects.  He built many telescopes, including the largest in the world for the time.  He worked with his sister Caroline, another Great Astronomer as well as his son John, who certainly qualifies as a Great Astronomer as well.
May 15, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (84)

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