32 min listen
Ramadan 2019 Check In
35 minutes
May 23, 2019
Podcast episode
Zaiba and Uzma share notes discussing what prep tips worked and didn't work so far during the month. Successes and challenges are addressed, as well as how to make the rest of this blessed month count more. Don't forget to get your zakat (required annual charity) in early!Links:Muslims of the World Yemen campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/save-starving-children-in-yemenIG:muslimsoftheworld1Remember, it's super hard to give in certain countries at war, and Yemen is one of them. Yet MOTW has a trusted partner NGO on the ground that is able to get aid it to those who need it most.Helping Asylum Seekers:https://www.facebook.com/828920351/posts/10162120459545352?s=1050814894&v=i&sfns=moZaiba's link to her charity:Website: https://mommyingwhilemuslim.comEmail:mommyingwhilemuslim@gmail.comFB: Mommying While MuslimIG: @mommyingwhilemuslimpodcastSupport the show (https://www.patreon.com/mommyingwhilemuslimpodcast)
May 23, 2019
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
Approaching "The Talk" and Puberty by Mommying While Muslim