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Sailor Moon, Act 21: What Rhymes With 900?

Sailor Moon, Act 21: What Rhymes With 900?

FromSailor Manga

Sailor Moon, Act 21: What Rhymes With 900?

FromSailor Manga

84 minutes
Jul 5, 2021
Podcast episode


In this episode, it's all going to hell fast! Kidnapped on Nemsis, Usagi learns more about the Black Moon clan from Demande, we learn that Chibiusa only looks like a young girl and is really 900 years old! Mako, Rei, and Ami awaken in a chamber within the Black Moon castle only to succumb to an energy sucking corpse, there's implied chemistry between King Endymion and Sailor Pluto, and we absolutely fail at trying to make a 900 titled pun.

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Jul 5, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The podcast where we analyze the iconic Sailor Moon manga by Naoko Takeuchi! Justin and Marcella discuss and comment weekly on every manga scene in the Sailor Moon universe!