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6: Ashtanga Yoga & the Challenges of Meditation

6: Ashtanga Yoga & the Challenges of Meditation

FromThe Natural Healing Podcast

6: Ashtanga Yoga & the Challenges of Meditation

FromThe Natural Healing Podcast

21 minutes
Feb 3, 2021
Podcast episode


Meditation has become one of the most popular forms of relaxation in the world and while there's plenty of research to support the health benefits of Meditation - even for just 10 minutes a day - it's not a practice that works for everyone all the time. 
So if you can't meditate or get anxious when you try, there's nothing wrong with you. 
In this episode we address some of the dangers of excessive meditation and one of the most common complaints we hear about the practice of meditation — what if just sitting down to meditate stirs up more anxiety than relaxation?
We discuss an unconventional view of Meditation to help you break away from the stigma of 'meditation anxiety.' You'll also be guided through Dr. Setareh Moafi's personal favorite relaxation practice that's simple enough to do no matter how hectic your schedule or busy your mind.

? Listen to the full episode now, then visit to let us know - what fears and/or experiences have you had with meditation?

The guided practice you'll learn in this episode can not only help you relax (and even fall asleep) fast, but it may also become your favorite new way to steady your mind so you can be more focused, clear and calm.?

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Feb 3, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (84)

Your health is fundamental to achieve your goals and dreams, yet a busy lifestyle can make it difficult to find the time and energy to focus on wellness, let alone know how and where to begin. Join Dr. Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. as they interweave the ancient wisdom of Classical Chinese Medicine, Yoga and Daoism into accessible, tangible tools for your modern life.