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82 minutes
Sep 12, 2022
Podcast episode


"Janelle tests positive for COVID-19; Kody confides in Robyn about his troubles with Christine; Kody and Christine sit down to have a tense discussion about the future of their marriage, which leaves Christine feeling empowered and Kody defeated."

The Browns are BACK and more insufferable than ever! Robyn has picked up a new passion: acting, and boy does she have some chops! Meri pops up for a second but is ultimately forgotten, Janelle is infected with COVID, but according to Kody, no-one is more infected than Christine, who has lost her mind thinking she can live without him!

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Sep 12, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (81)

A husband and his (only) wife give a weekly breakdown to the newest season of the TLC sinking ship, known as, "Sister Wives!" Follow along as this couple talks about all things, Brown family, Coyote Pass and Lula Roe! Not suitable for children... or people who actually like the Brown family.