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Episode 22 - Compassion & Miracles

Episode 22 - Compassion & Miracles

FromSex for Saints

Episode 22 - Compassion & Miracles

FromSex for Saints

21 minutes
Sep 21, 2018
Podcast episode


In several scriptures in the New Testament it says that the Savior was “Moved with Compassion” and then a miracle followed.  When we have compassion for ourselves and compassion for our spouse and others, what kind of miracles will we see in our own life and around us? Play In A New Window Download Show Notes In several scriptures in the New Testament it says that the Savior was “Moved with Compassion”  The dictionary says: Moved means: to prompt or rouse to the doing of something AND Compassion means: a sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it So When it says the Savior was “Moved with Compassion” because he was a Sympathetic person He was Prompted or Roused with to do something to alleviate the distress of someone. And then if you keep reading in the scriptures when He’s moved to compassion some sort of miracle followed… So compassion for someone brought about a miracle… I talk to my clients a lot about acting from emotions that produce their best self.  I feel like LOVE is one of the best emotions we can act from to produce our best life.  Love for ourselves and love for others. That is why I called this podcast Live from Love.  So we can LIVE and ACT from our Best Self and LOVE produces that result. But often when a situation or circumstance happens to us or around us, we think thoughts that don’t prompt love, but prompt other emotions that don’t show our best selves. Anger, Irritability, Sadness, Jealousy, Frustration…. these kinds of emotions don’t MOVE us to act with LOVE and Compassion.  They often MOVE us to act in ways that are not our best. So When my clients have thoughts that produce these emotions and they are not acting as their best selves, I talk to my them about  Having Compassion for themselves Having Compassion for others, which eventually brings LOVE, even when its hard. Having Compassion for Ourselves We are human.  It is part of our journey here on earth to make mistakes.  In fact, that was an essential part of the plan.  Our Heavenly Father knew this.  He knew we would make mistakes.  He counted on it.  That is why He gave us a Savior and the Atonement. So why do we beat ourselves up so much when we make mistakes?  When we don’t handle things exactly as we should?  When we aren’t our best selves? Our Heavenly Father loves us so much.  He VALUES us so  much.   It says in The Book of Moses that his entire purpose is to bring us back to Him because he values our imperfect selves SO MUCH  “This is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” Who are we to say otherwise?  That we are not of value? That we are not worthy of love? That who we are, who He created us to be, is not enough?  That mistakes He knew we would make make before we even came to earth would make us unworthy to be loved by Him and others? It’s just NOT true.  It’s a lie we tell ourselves.  It’s a lie that Satan wants us to believe. So I coach my clients a lot on loving themselves and having COMPASSION for themselves FIRST.  Having compassion for the mistakes that they make.  Having compassion for our natural human inadequacies.  Having compassion for the thoughts our brain automatically thinks.  We were created in our Heavenly Father’s image.  He has compassion for us.  He embodies compassion.  So should we.  For ourselves and others.  Compassion is our deepest nature. Our brain I want you to think about when you put on a pair of pants.  Now when you were little, your mom probably had to teach you that you make sure you are putting them on the right way, that the tag goes in the back.  And then you put one leg in and then the other, and then you pull them up and do up the button and the zipper.  And when you were little you had to think about each little step.  But as you learned how and did it over and over, it became automatic.  I bet you don’t even think about it anymore.  You just put on your pants.  That’s
Sep 21, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

As a Certified Sex & Marriage Coach, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Amanda Louder helps conservative Christian women love their sex life! In this podcast, Amanda helps women embrace their sexuality so that they can become the woman they were created to be. She teaches you how to integrate sexuality into your marriage in a loving and healthy way, get rid of the drama and negative emotions around sex in your marriage, and develop a better relationship to yourself, your spouse, and your sexuality.