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Tantric Energetics for modern day leaders

Tantric Energetics for modern day leaders

FromBoundless Love

Tantric Energetics for modern day leaders

FromBoundless Love

33 minutes
Oct 10, 2022
Podcast episode


#26Almost 4 years ago I declared that I was no longer going to use the word Tantra publicly. It has become so incredibly biased… So many people associate Tantra with s*x, hippy vibe or feeding each other chocolate during sensual massage... There also has been so much confusion and abuse in fields that are inclusive of conscious sexuality. I felt the pull to move away.Tantra in fact is an ancient spiritual path, that involves recognising our Eternal nature WHILE being active in the world. It invites us to have a Life of Totality, to trust completely, to love fully, to jump into Life without a safety net. And ultimately… Tantra invites us to expand into our true Self, our inherent Divinity.The truth is… Tantra is and will always be the path that I walk. I have walked it for what feels like lifetimes.Dive deeper with me in this episode and discover what it truly means to live the Tantric way of Life!❤️ The Deep Feminine - Eight-week live journey of erotic embodiment, tantric sexuality and surrender to love.
Oct 10, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (88)

In this transformational show Sofia Sundari invites you to reclaim your erotic power and become free as a soul in a human body. Discover how you can live life with more consciousness and trust, so that you can thrive in love. You will learn how to overcome blocks to deep intimacy, heal trauma, empower your masculine and feminine energy, develop skills for next level relationship and find God through sex. Since 2012 Sofia has facilitated over 100 transformational events all over the world, created 5 online courses on subject of spiritual sexuality and written a bestselling book Liberation into Orgasm. Sofia's work has touched over 100,000 people from over 80 countries. Hit subscribe and get ready to see your erotic heart blossom.