10 min listen
Tantric Energetics for modern day leaders
FromBoundless Love
33 minutes
Oct 10, 2022
Podcast episode
#26Almost 4 years ago I declared that I was no longer going to use the word Tantra publicly. It has become so incredibly biased… So many people associate Tantra with s*x, hippy vibe or feeding each other chocolate during sensual massage... There also has been so much confusion and abuse in fields that are inclusive of conscious sexuality. I felt the pull to move away.Tantra in fact is an ancient spiritual path, that involves recognising our Eternal nature WHILE being active in the world. It invites us to have a Life of Totality, to trust completely, to love fully, to jump into Life without a safety net. And ultimately… Tantra invites us to expand into our true Self, our inherent Divinity.The truth is… Tantra is and will always be the path that I walk. I have walked it for what feels like lifetimes.Dive deeper with me in this episode and discover what it truly means to live the Tantric way of Life!❤️ The Deep Feminine - Eight-week live journey of erotic embodiment, tantric sexuality and surrender to love.https://payments.sofiasundari.com/the-deep-feminine-checkout
Oct 10, 2022
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (88)
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