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Halloween In Stars Hollow

Halloween In Stars Hollow

FromGilmore To Say: A Gilmore Girls Podcast

Halloween In Stars Hollow

FromGilmore To Say: A Gilmore Girls Podcast

45 minutes
Oct 27, 2022
Podcast episode


It's almost Halloween and for some reason this very fall show lacks a Halloween episode, so today the girlies are writing a fan fiction episode for what might've gone down in Stars Hollow on Halloween in season 5! 
Oct 27, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Oy with the recap podcasts already! Your favorite Gilmore Girls TikTokers, Tara (@tarallew) and Haley (@gilmoregirlygirl), have been watching this show since before they were old enough to attend Chilton. Nearly two decades, multiple rewatches, and several cups of coffee later, their babbling capabilities are still infinite. Come hang out with them as they discuss the writing, the relationships, the parallels, and who is the father of that baby. This show stopped airing years ago, but Tara and Haley always have more to say. Where you lead? I will follow... us on instagram @gilmoretosaypodcast