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Liam's Almost Buddy Bate Reunion

Liam's Almost Buddy Bate Reunion

FromThe Proud Bators

Liam's Almost Buddy Bate Reunion

FromThe Proud Bators

23 minutes
Sep 11, 2022
Podcast episode


Liam's {redacted} year school reunion was recently and he's got a couple of fun bate-related stories that arose from this. The 'Strangers On A Train' episode from Liam's Gay Erotica podcast that the guys referred to is here.Patreon Aug-Sep Fleshjack Quickshot Spring BuyMeACoffee Mentioned in this episode:Fleshjack QuickshotI recently tried out the Fleshjack Quickshot for the first time and I love it. I can't wait to share the two open ends with a buddy. It's a great budget entry for anyone looking to try their first Fleshy product. Patreon Shout Out August and SeptemberJust wanted to say a quick thanks to a few patrons. Thanks to Sean, Blake, Alex, Yitz and Bryce. If you'd like to offer your support hit the link.Patreon Aug-Sep
Sep 11, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (52)

A podcast discussing a man's most enjoyable solo pleasure. Melbourne-based erotic author Liam Williams discusses the issues, opinions and experiences associated with male masturbation. There'll be some serious discussion, some fun topics and some conversation starters. Connect with Liam to join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.