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Bonus Episode: Uvalde, V. Castro, and "Latinx Screams."

Bonus Episode: Uvalde, V. Castro, and "Latinx Screams."

FromShe Wore Black

Bonus Episode: Uvalde, V. Castro, and "Latinx Screams."

FromShe Wore Black

33 minutes
May 28, 2022
Podcast episode


Today’s episode is an impromptu interview with V. Castro about a Uvalde, Texas charity book sale she and Cynthia Pelayo are doing with their anthology of Latinx horror writers, called “Latinx Screams.” Cynthia is also working on another anthology that will be released in October for the same purpose, so stay tuned for their social media for that info. I do want to make a correction in my show. I am talking about politicians and redistricting, and I said Lloyd Benson, when I meant to say Lloyd Doggett. I apologize for that blunder, but the information in the story is still correct. I will post links in show notes for the book, as well as some charities that are also relevant to Uvalde and gun violence. Thanks for joining us today.


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May 28, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A gothic, mystery and horror podcast.