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How Things (Don’t) Exist

How Things (Don’t) Exist

FromZen Mind

How Things (Don’t) Exist

FromZen Mind

43 minutes
May 22, 2019
Podcast episode


This talk was recorded by Zenki Dillo Roshi in 2019, prior to the publication of our podcast, but we wanted to share these dharma teachings with you despite the lack of a formal podcast description.
May 22, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Zenki Christian Dillo Roshi is the the guiding teacher at the Boulder Zen Center in Colorado, USA. This podcast shares the regular dharma talks given at the center. Zenki Roshi approaches Zen practice as a craft of transformation, liberation, wisdom and compassionate action. His interest is to bring Buddhism alive within Western cultural horizons while staying committed to the traditional emphasis on yogic embodiment. (Typically, fewer talks are recorded and shared between December and April, when Zenki Roshi leads an annual 90-day winter retreat and other programs.)