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The Official Average Boy Podcast Episode 21

The Official Average Boy Podcast Episode 21

FromThe Official Average Boy Podcast

The Official Average Boy Podcast Episode 21

FromThe Official Average Boy Podcast

9 minutes
Feb 11, 2020
Podcast episode


Bob’s class just celebrated Valentine’s Day, and Bob wonders why all those candy hearts have the same saying on them—“No way!” (There should be other sayings too, right?!?) Relationships and friendships can be hard, because sometimes people’s feelings change. But God’s love always stays the same. He loves us unconditionally, and we should try to follow His example. This podcast also reveals which pet Bob likes best: Dogs or Cats?See for privacy information.
Feb 11, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (94)

Kids 8 to 12 years old can laugh together and learn about God with this Christian podcast for families. Hosted by Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine editor Jesse Florea and Christian comedian Bob Smiley, each episode is packed with faith-building fun and family entertainment. This family podcast is about forgiveness, God’s love, prayer, respect, self-control, setting goals, volunteering, and finding your worth in Christ. And to make family time super fun, download the Devotions for Super Average Families. Plus lots of other fun resources just for kids.