20 min listen
We Are His
20 minutes
May 9, 2023
Podcast episode
We say every day in Modim , נודה לך ונספר תהילתך. The Maharal explains נודה לך to mean that we thank Hashem that we are His, that He does everything for us. With those words, we are declaring that we recognize we are powerless to do anything on our own. And therefore, נספר תהילתך we constantly relate the praises of Hashem, attributing all our successes to Him. And that is our greatest praise, like the pasuk says in Yirmiya ( perek 9, pasuk 22). The more a person is able to take himself out of the picture and put Hashem in the picture, the greater success he will have. A student once asked his rabbi for guidance on how to bring Hashem more into his business life. The rabbi sent him to a different student of his who was a very successful banker. He said to this student to go and observe the banker and then ask him for advice. The student listened and went to observe the banker dealing with his customers with an unbelievable display of bitachon . After the workday was finished, the banker invited the student into his office and pulled out the Chovot HaLevavot from his drawer. He said, “Every day I learn the Shaar HaBitachon and, afterward, I turn to Hashem and say, ‘ Ribono Shel Olam , I know that from the day I started this job I never accomplished anything without You. I never worry about tomorrow, how I will repay loans or debts. I trust You with all my heart and I know You could help me fulfill every request. Please, be with me always and help me fulfill my obligations.’” He then told the student this was his secret to his success and source of strength. Another man who had just started out fundraising for a yeshiva went to his rabbi for advice and asked him how to succeed with that. That rabbi told him, “Whenever you speak to someone about the yeshiva’s need for funds, have in mind that you are really talking directly to HaKadosh Baruch Hu . In your mind, feel like you are asking your loving Father for help with the yeshiva. Don’t focus on the person sitting in front of you. You are talking to Hashem and He is listening.” The man took the advice and he practiced it on his first fundraising trip. Since this was his first time, he didn’t even know what was considered a successful trip. So when he told the yeshiva how much he raised, they replied that he had been amazingly successful. Some of the philanthropists who were asked for contributions gave in the thousands and the lowest was not less than $100. Some time later, he was told by a relative of his that one of the wealthiest men in the country used to be hosted by his grandfather when he was a young man. For a period of time, he even slept there. So his relative suggested that he go and see him and ask for a donation. He took the advice and, when he arrived at the wealthy man’s home, the wealthy man greeted him warmly. They reminisced about their family lives and the conversation was going great. He was sure he was going to get an enormous donation for the yeshiva. After their long conversation, he told the wealthy man why he came to see him. The wealthy man then pulled out some money from his pocket and said he would be happy to contribute. However, it was a low sum. The man said, “I learned a great lesson that day. It was such a shame that I spoke to the wealthy man that entire time when I could have been speaking to HaKadosh Baruch Hu instead.” The more we recognize that Hashem controls everything and take ourselves, and people, out of the picture, the more success we’ll have.
May 9, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (25)
Sweeten the Judgements: Living Emunah Podcast by Living Emunah By Rabbi David Ashear