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Sarra Coppia Sullam: A 17th Century Queen Esther?

Sarra Coppia Sullam: A 17th Century Queen Esther?

FromJewish History Nerds

Sarra Coppia Sullam: A 17th Century Queen Esther?

FromJewish History Nerds

29 minutes
May 11, 2023
Podcast episode


You might not be quite as big of a fan of epistolary romances as Yael, but you'll still love the story of Sarra Coppia Sullam. Sullam, a Jewish Venetian woman of 17th century, was most well-known for her literary salons, the public accusations of heresy against her, and most salaciously, her pen pal love affair with the Genoese monk named Ansaldo Cebà. Come for the story, stay for the drama, as Schwab and Yael unpack her incredible life.
This episode was hosted by Jonathan Schwab and Yael Steiner. Our education lead is Dr. Henry Abramson. Audio was edited by Rob Pera, and we’re produced by Rivky Stern.
For more on Sarra Coppia Sullman, and this episode:
May 11, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (34)

Whoever said history was boring clearly never heard these stories…Welcome to Jewish History Unpacked! Join hosts Yael and Schwab each week as they take a dive into some deep cuts of Jewish history. From the Jewish Da Vinci Code to mass suicide pacts, explore true stories that feel larger than life.