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Mma Potakwane - The matron of the orphan farm

Mma Potakwane - The matron of the orphan farm

FromMma Ramotswe Podcast

Mma Potakwane - The matron of the orphan farm

FromMma Ramotswe Podcast

21 minutes
Jan 17, 2024
Podcast episode


Warmly welcome dear Mma Ramotswe podcast listeners and fans of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency novel series.
In this episode we meet the National Director of SOS Children’s Villages Mr Kitso Motshwari.

SOS Children Villages is a world known NGO giving orphans and vulnerable children a home. One of their children’s home is a role model for the No. 1 novel series Orphan farm where Mma Potakwani is the patron - regarded by Mma Ramotswe as her best and most wise friend.

Now please join us and listen to what Mr Kitso has to say about the No. 1 novel series and it’s impact on the SOS Children’s Villages in Botswana. This interview is made by Mats Ögren Wanger - a good friend of Sir Alexander McCall Smith and a true lover of Botswana. You are welcome to email him if you have any questions on Music: Mikael Rosen, Introduction: Ednah Rosen


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Jan 17, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (6)

Warmly welcome to Mma Ramotswe podcast. A podcast for the fans of the The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - a book novel series written by professor Alexander McCall Smith from Scotland. Here you can enjoy interviews with people that has a connection to the The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency -novel series. We meet characters in the novel series that exists in real life like Dr Moffat that treat Mma Ramotswes father Obed. We meet people at places that is covered in the books like Elephant Havens. We meet Unity Dow, a former High Court judge that comes from the same village as Mma Ramotswe.