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Episode 12 - Oneness With Everything

Episode 12 - Oneness With Everything

FromJourney of The Master Podcast

Episode 12 - Oneness With Everything

FromJourney of The Master Podcast

63 minutes
Dec 6, 2022
Podcast episode


There is no separation. Many of you have likely heard this beautiful line from The Council dozens of times, if not more. Knowing that there is no "out there" the way we often perceive things to be, it easily follows that we are ONE with everything. But what does this mean for us in our human perspectives, and how does it feel?  
Whether you call it unity or God consciousness, this frequency allows us to access every resource and any experience imaginable... and more!   
Without trying to figure it out or intellectualize the concept, simply relax your body and feel for that deep connection to all things. Such connection is often easily recognized as pure love and complete harmony while out in nature or when fully present with a loved one.  
Focus with our team this month as we play the master's game of life, choosing to remember that we are truly one with ALL in this vast and glorious universe!  
Dec 6, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (51)

Welcome to The Journey of the Master Podcast.   This podcast was created to guide you to remember the infinite wisdom that lies within you, and to reconnect with the master that you already are. And to realize yourself as the powerful creator that you are within your own creation of reality.   For more free resources and information on our books, courses, and masters class program visit