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Who speaks for the Earth? The Anthropocene and Sociology

Who speaks for the Earth? The Anthropocene and Sociology

FromThe Sociology of Everything Podcast

Who speaks for the Earth? The Anthropocene and Sociology

FromThe Sociology of Everything Podcast

24 minutes
Jan 14, 2025
Podcast episode


In this episode, Eric Hsu and Louis Everuss have a discussion about the idea of the Anthropocene, a concept that was originally developed within the field of Geology. Despite it not being formally recognised as a defined geological period in 2024 by the International Commission on Stratigraphy, the Anthropocene continues to feature in various discussions across different fields and sectors of society. But how might sociologists contribute to some of these conversations? Eva Lövbrand et al.'s article in Global Environmental Change put forward some compelling proposals, which Eric and Louis seek to make sense of. Notable in this episode is Eric's retelling of a time he ordered a very small side salad when he was out with friends during high school. Music and sound effects for this episode come from various sources and is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License, the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0, EFF Open Audio License, or is covered by a SFX (Multi-Use) License or a Commercial License from Epidemic Sound ( Tracks include: opinions expressed in the Sociology of Everything podcast are that of the hosts and/or guest speakers. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else at UniSA or the institution at large.The Sociology of Everything podcast |
Jan 14, 2025
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (33)

The Sociology of Everything podcast offers listeners a comedic and introductory look at the wonders of sociology. It is created and hosted by Eric Hsu and Louis Everuss (aka Lou and the Hsu), who presently teach and do research in sociology at the University of South Australia (UniSA).