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Decima - One Mission: Decima, #2
Decima - Ground Zero: Decima, #1
Ebook series2 titles

Decima Series

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About this series

Hrista Hollins knew one thing when her mother died – that she had to find her father across the Irolean Sound, except that she has never been there, doesn't know where her father and brothers are… She stows away on a ship, no ticket or documents, hoping that the stranger she has met can live up to his promises – to keep her safe. Who is this Kjane Issyk anyway and can she trust him?

Release dateApr 26, 2020
Decima - One Mission: Decima, #2
Decima - Ground Zero: Decima, #1

Titles in the series (2)

  • Decima - Ground Zero: Decima, #1


    Decima - Ground Zero: Decima, #1
    Decima - Ground Zero: Decima, #1

    Kjane Issyk is a thorn in the side of Empress Belmara Wolfkin, but she has control of a deadly disease, about to be unleashed upon Irola. Can he stop her without putting his rebel group in danger? And who is this Thorsa who has offered herself as cook, and potential lover?

  • Decima - One Mission: Decima, #2


    Decima - One Mission: Decima, #2
    Decima - One Mission: Decima, #2

    Hrista Hollins knew one thing when her mother died – that she had to find her father across the Irolean Sound, except that she has never been there, doesn't know where her father and brothers are… She stows away on a ship, no ticket or documents, hoping that the stranger she has met can live up to his promises – to keep her safe. Who is this Kjane Issyk anyway and can she trust him?


Lori Svensen

Student-of-the-world, jill-of-many-trades; mother and dreamer ready to share dreams with the reader.  Lori has never been able to follow everyone else, nor always follow directions or social expectations. Hence, her writing also tends to cross genres to create her own unique blend. A'mara Books are stories about personal relationships with strong flavors of fantasy, sci-fi, action and adventure, all wrapped into one plus a sense of social and moral responsibility that tends to be lost in today's world. 

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