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Giants in the Land: Book Three - The Cavern of Promise
Giants in the Land: Book Two - The Prodigal
Ebook series2 titles

Giants in the Land Series

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About this series

Thomas and his giant companion have disappeared!...

Thomas finds himself at the mercy of the evil king of Westland, with no hope for escape, He must face an impossible test for survival amidst a quest for the greatest of all the giant secrets. Book Three caps this award-winning trilogy with a danger-ridden trip

Release dateMay 1, 2023
Giants in the Land: Book Three - The Cavern of Promise
Giants in the Land: Book Two - The Prodigal

Titles in the series (2)

  • Giants in the Land: Book Two - The Prodigal


    Giants in the Land: Book Two - The Prodigal
    Giants in the Land: Book Two - The Prodigal

    A great shadow threatens to overwhelm not only the people, but a thousand years of Giant service and perhaps the Giants themselves. The future of the land depends on three young prodigals and an aging hero, ill prepared for the demands they must face. Their personal struggles, self-imposed isolation, and deep feelings of

  • Giants in the Land: Book Three - The Cavern of Promise


    Giants in the Land: Book Three - The Cavern of Promise
    Giants in the Land: Book Three - The Cavern of Promise

    Thomas and his giant companion have disappeared!... Thomas finds himself at the mercy of the evil king of Westland, with no hope for escape, He must face an impossible test for survival amidst a quest for the greatest of all the giant secrets. Book Three caps this award-winning trilogy with a danger-ridden trip


Clark Rich Burbidge

Clark Burbidge was born and raised in the high mountain valleys of the Rockies. He earned an MBA from the University of Southern California and a BS degree from the University of Utah. Clark spent 35 years in the banking, investment banking and corporate finance professions. He has twelve published books including the young adult fiction series StarPassage. Ten of his books, including the entire referenced series, have been awarded gold medals by the Mom's Choice International association as top in category. Clark and his wife, Leah, live near Salt Lake City, Utah, where they enjoy their blended family of ten children and thirteen grandchildren.

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