FMASU proudly presents a very special series that will be of particular interest to film enthusiasts. A series that, above all else, sets out to emphatically proclaim that “Film isn’t dead!”
Four times per year–With additional screenings slated for both Desertscape International Film Festival and HorrorFest International Film Festival– Big Screen 16 will present 16mm film prints on the big screen! For the most part, these will be feature films.
Adding to the excitement of this unique cinematic endeavor is the idea that these screenings will be secret. That’s right! You won’t know what you’re about to watch until the lights go down at The Electric Theater. But don’t worry…We’ll give you mysterious little hints as to what each screening might be in the days leading up to each screening event.
It should also be noted that these screenings will be FREE to the public! That said, as always, donations are greatly encouraged.
Well, as much as we all love the digital platform, there’s something historically significant about celluloid and with 2023 marking the 100th anniversary of 16mm, FMASU wants to share this exciting and pure piece of history with you through the gracious aid of film enthusiast and avid 16mm movie collector, Josh Hafen.
It should also be noted that, as is the case with the differences between CDs and records, there’s something magical about the wonderful imperfections that come with an aged 16mm print. Be it the scratches, the splices, the colors, etc.
Again, through this series, Big Screen 16 attendees will have an opportunity to be a part of something we rarely get to experience these days.