1 character colored sketch, basic or no background / 35€
nsfw +15€
background +15€
1 extra character +25€
2 extra character +45€
EUR 35.00
0 slots
Reference sheet
STARTING price: 148€
Includes: front and back view, three small expressions, three small outfit chibis, color palette, close up shot about the eyes or paws if necessary.
the expressions and the chibis can be used as telegram stickers
additional NSFW version +48€
¤ Extra work costs extra (i.e. spots/stripes, wings, detailed costumes, alternate versions, complex characters, anything that takes more time than a ‘basic’ character.)
EUR 150.00 - 300.00
2 slots
I work with a quote system! Once you told me what you want, I’ll tell you how much it will cost.
¤ Extra work costs extra (i.e. background, spots/stripes, complicated pose, alternate versions, accessories, complex characters, detailed costumes, anything that takes more time than a ‘basic’ character.)
EUR 150.00 - 350.00
0 slots
The price depends on the length of the sequence and the quality of the drawing.
Usually a high quality full colored sequence takes a month to finish.
It contains hundreds of layers, and it require dosens of work hours, and all of my technical skills.
EUR 600.00 - 6000.00
0 slots
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