Views: 647
Submissions: 1
Favs: 13
so uh... i am a proto, and there's not else to say about me.
now you know
for the things i do, i like to program a bit, i've dabbled in some vore mods in games here and there, nothing major but i got some experience when it comes to scripting.
i am apparently good at writing, i'll chock that up to my over-active imagination, and RP sessions i've done, as for RP, i do it sometimes, though i personally prefer more game like stuff for RP, like how it's done on ss13, if you know you know!
i'm not a drawing artist, i don't know much of anything when it comes to drawing, and if i'm honest, i've got little interest in it, but i do apricate the level of work artist put into their stuff, blows my mind!
now you know
for the things i do, i like to program a bit, i've dabbled in some vore mods in games here and there, nothing major but i got some experience when it comes to scripting.
i am apparently good at writing, i'll chock that up to my over-active imagination, and RP sessions i've done, as for RP, i do it sometimes, though i personally prefer more game like stuff for RP, like how it's done on ss13, if you know you know!
i'm not a drawing artist, i don't know much of anything when it comes to drawing, and if i'm honest, i've got little interest in it, but i do apricate the level of work artist put into their stuff, blows my mind!
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