Views: 5963
Submissions: 27
Favs: 180
Alias: Altair the Snow Leo-Cat, Al
Date of Birth: 14/08/1992
Gender: Male ♂
Zod. Sign: Leo ♌︎ (Rising: Pisces ♓︎)
Species: Snow Leopard/DLH Red Tabby Cat hybrid
Sexuality: Pansexual & Panromantic, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Personality: INFJ-T (Turbulent Advocate).
Traits: Shy, kind, generous, brave, melancholy, wise, instinctive, truthful, pensive, idealist, sentimental.
Interests: Singing, dubbing, translating, home recording/mixing, composing, acting, playing piano and keyboard (Yamaha Tyros 2), writing romances and stories, drawing maps...
Nationality: Italia
Region: Emilia-Romagna Sardigna
Affiliated to: and more...
Con(s) Attended: EuroFurence 26 (2022)
Kink(s) etc:
Date of Birth: 14/08/1992
Gender: Male ♂
Zod. Sign: Leo ♌︎ (Rising: Pisces ♓︎)
Species: Snow Leopard/DLH Red Tabby Cat hybrid
Sexuality: Pansexual & Panromantic, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Personality: INFJ-T (Turbulent Advocate).
Traits: Shy, kind, generous, brave, melancholy, wise, instinctive, truthful, pensive, idealist, sentimental.
Interests: Singing, dubbing, translating, home recording/mixing, composing, acting, playing piano and keyboard (Yamaha Tyros 2), writing romances and stories, drawing maps...
Nationality: Italia
Region: Emilia-Romagna Sardigna
Affiliated to: and more...
Con(s) Attended: EuroFurence 26 (2022)
Kink(s) etc:
Pianist/keyboardist and singer, composer, former university student (Foreign Literatures and Languages),
hobbist photographer/film-maker/voice actor/actor, romances, stories and fanfics writer.
Altair (Alpha Aquilae) and Canopus (Alpha Carinae)
are respectively the 12th and the 2nd brightest stars in the night-sky.
Kyesdom, on the other hand,
is simply a spoiled/contracted/fused form of the words
"Skies' Dominator".
Find me also on (mostly active on Telegram):
- Barq / Altair C. K. - 🇮🇹
- Twitter / Altair C. K. - 🇮🇹
- Deviantart / Canopus14
- Steam / Altair Canopus Kyesdom
- F-list / (ask first)
- Furmap / (ask first)
- Discord / (ask first)
- Telegram / (ask first)
- Facebook / (ask first)
- Youtube / MC Entertainment
And last but not least... I enjoy:
░█░░█░░█░ █░░
I'm shy and emotional, be kind and get to know me and get in touch with me:
do not ask me for RP and sort, just right out of the blue.
Comments Earned: 426
Comments Made: 1055
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 1055
Journals: 1
Featured Journal
Bilingual / Bilingue
5 years ago
D'ora in poi ho deciso che le storie ed in generale ogni tipo di testo ed anche descrizione che pubblicherò, sarà bilingue. Devo pur mettere a frutto una quasi laurea in Lingue e Letterature in qualche modo...
A presto, e buona lettura a tutti!
From now on I chose my stories and every text and description in general I'm gonna submit, it's going to be bilingual. I should profit my almost-degree in Literatures and Languages somehow...
See you soon, good reading everybody!
A presto, e buona lettura a tutti!
From now on I chose my stories and every text and description in general I'm gonna submit, it's going to be bilingual. I should profit my almost-degree in Literatures and Languages somehow...
See you soon, good reading everybody!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Snow Leo-Cat
Favorite Music
Soundtrack, Epic Metal, Symphonic Metal, Pop Rock ('70es and further) etc.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Lord of the Rings, DragonHeart, Lion King...
Favorite Games
Dark Souls, MediEvil, Final Fantasy VIII, Football Manager, Silent Hill...
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Cat, Lion, Fox, Snake, Eagle
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Chocolate, Pizza, Chips, Gnocchetti Sardi etc.
Favorite Quote
"May the Gods have mercy on me... For I'm in love with a cat goddess".