Views: 16620
Submissions: 32
Favs: 327
birthday:24/01/1988 actual location:Colina// gender:herm sexual preference:bisexual f-list adress:
member of:
status:masters/lovers: shikashi18 , codyhorse
Son: staticthepikachu
pet: ShadowWolf92 Slave: shineyfox123 Mothers: zzyzx , gorix16 , Yina
usual favorite foods:deep boiled spinach,shreded spinach with cream,milanese foods,orange juices and live willing preys and very well creamed.
love videogames of all kinds especially rpgs but sports kinda meh except for the mario sports games
usual weather preference:cold or normal
usual sexual behavior:quite submissive and dominant depending on what person and also digestion its tolerable and opcional and preferally prey but will eat if necessary.
member of:
status:masters/lovers: shikashi18 , codyhorse
Son: staticthepikachu
pet: ShadowWolf92 Slave: shineyfox123 Mothers: zzyzx , gorix16 , Yina
usual favorite foods:deep boiled spinach,shreded spinach with cream,milanese foods,orange juices and live willing preys and very well creamed.
love videogames of all kinds especially rpgs but sports kinda meh except for the mario sports games
usual weather preference:cold or normal
usual sexual behavior:quite submissive and dominant depending on what person and also digestion its tolerable and opcional and preferally prey but will eat if necessary.
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Comments Earned: 3907
Comments Made: 8825
Journals: 38
Comments Made: 8825
Journals: 38
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Friend's aid
5 years ago
im posting this on my friend's behalf please aid him if you can
im sorry for doing this but i have no choice please help the power bill for mom is so high that com ed is shutting her off THIS THURSDAY my medicine that keeps ME ALIVE needs to be refridgerated same for my moms medicine....please i dont want to die.....
her bill is 6K
im sorry for doing this but i have no choice please help the power bill for mom is so high that com ed is shutting her off THIS THURSDAY my medicine that keeps ME ALIVE needs to be refridgerated same for my moms medicine....please i dont want to die.....
her bill is 6K
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anthro german shepherd
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unlosing ranger
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fried,mild sour