Views: 25734
Submissions: 95
Favs: 3493
Traditional artist
This is an account with my drawings.
✰ My ADOPT account ✰
✰ VK ✰
✅ boosty / paypal intermediary
My English is bad, I use a translator. Sorry for that!
commissions: no
trades: no
collaborations: no
request: no
she, 29 y.o.
To-do list:
butterfly-dragon 100% - paid, boosty, will be mailed
tazrir 100%, paid, boosty, will be mailed
JupiterRP 80% - paid on buymeacoffee, will be mailed
DakotaSkunk 100% - paid on boosty, will be mailed
DakotaSkunk 0% - paid on boosty, will be mailed
vahan-makea 0%, paid, boosty, will be mailed прошу отмену, 120, жду ответа
TripwireSapperSCREE 0%, paid, boosty, without sending
Dafan26019 0% paid, boosty, without sending отменила, 120 отправили, жду подтверждение (?)
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 182
Comments Made: 157
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 157
Journals: 1
Featured Journal
3 years ago
Commissions are closed indefinitely, paid orders are executed very slowly. If you have paid for the commission, you are waiting for a very long time and still have not received even a sketch from me (the work has not been started), you can cancel the order and return the money. To do this, please write to me in a note, I will figure out a way to return your payment.
I'm canceling all deadlines, sending original drawings by mail is delayed indefinitely. I don't understand what's going on in the world, I've lost my inspiration and can hardly draw, sorry. I only make adopts on the second account, it comes easy to me and doesn't require "putting soul" into the drawing, which is what I usually do for traditional art.
- bonus Kitsumi463 at old prices 10 slots for any commissions, used 0 out of 10 ( $50 bw )
- bonus JupiterRP at old prices 10 slots for any commissions, used 1 out of 10 (in progress, $50 bw )
I'm canceling all deadlines, sending original drawings by mail is delayed indefinitely. I don't understand what's going on in the world, I've lost my inspiration and can hardly draw, sorry. I only make adopts on the second account, it comes easy to me and doesn't require "putting soul" into the drawing, which is what I usually do for traditional art.
information for me:
- bonus Kitsumi463 at old prices 10 slots for any commissions, used 0 out of 10 ( $50 bw )
- bonus JupiterRP at old prices 10 slots for any commissions, used 1 out of 10 (in progress, $50 bw )
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Favorite Games
Dead by daylight, Borderlands, Heroes 3