Views: 2006
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Comments Made: 248
Journals: 5
Recent Journal
A minor update: 13/03/2016
9 years ago
RENACLE: Yeah, it has been a few months since we wrote something here.
CHELSEA: Just to let you know, we are still around. But we're occupied with other work and improving our craft before releasing any content for 2016.
DZACHARY: We apologize for the lack of activity and missing the opportunity to welcome the new year. We promise to upload new items to the gallery once we've prepared whatever is necessary. Until then, take care.
CHELSEA: Goddarnit, no one told me about the wrong date! Sorry!
CHELSEA: Just to let you know, we are still around. But we're occupied with other work and improving our craft before releasing any content for 2016.
DZACHARY: We apologize for the lack of activity and missing the opportunity to welcome the new year. We promise to upload new items to the gallery once we've prepared whatever is necessary. Until then, take care.
CHELSEA: Goddarnit, no one told me about the wrong date! Sorry!
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