Views: 9623
Submissions: 32
Favs: 339
I'm just a lover of furry art (preferably equine).
I don't produce any sort of art, cos I have no artistic bones in my body lol.
Proudly taken by sonny101
My F-List:
Dakota Garcia
Species: Canine
Breed: Wusky (WolfxHusky hybrid)
Colour: Albino
Height: 6'1"
Build: Well muscled
I don't produce any sort of art, cos I have no artistic bones in my body lol.
Proudly taken by sonny101
My F-List:
Dakota Garcia
Species: Canine
Breed: Wusky (WolfxHusky hybrid)
Colour: Albino
Height: 6'1"
Build: Well muscled
Comments Earned: 1276
Comments Made: 254
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 254
Journals: 2
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A special friend in need of some business, please help.
12 years agoUser Profile
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There is no such thing as normal or weird when it comes to people, for everyone is an individual and what people see as weird is just their ignoran...