Views: 2282
Submissions: 26
Favs: 40
I am the InnKeeper of a Common. Under this roof, I live with Kurzar the wolf, a Crazy cat lady named Terry, a hooman named John, and a Roo named Zidders. You may believe furry is a hobby, it is up to you... I do not mind. I am a FURRY to the day I die and beyond. I am also a suiter...and a writer, there are stories to tell. I enjoy this life. I do not want it to rule me. Kataugh Zaurak lives on SL; Sanjiofthesahar (AKA Sznji son of Cerronous). I can not help myself, so I try to help others. Too many friends lost to the other side. All we can do is remember them.
Comments Earned: 122
Comments Made: 121
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 121
Journals: 1
Featured Journal
Jax Sanji and Kataugh are still alive!
5 years ago
Damn, more I look more of the old guard dies off. Sad but true. I am seldom here, not by plan but simply always too much on my plate. Way way long ago when Jax was my only name I started out in the forum side. It was a bit easier back then. Was also part of Furry 2 Furry until it collapsed and FRH replaced it. Lesson to be learned from that. F2F was the best RP site, and discussion site, not too big, not too small. I was one of the ones who tried to keep my old home allige, Snuggles (and a few variations of that name.) That was when RP reigned (and of course FA was no place for a RPer. FRPHaven started building numbers and actual RP threads of all sorts were still alive until someone thought Live Chat would add. I guess it brought out the lazy in people and suddenly threads like mine fell out of favor. Here we are still going. Nope, not the oldest living furries by any means, but in the top ten per cent :)
So where are we with "The Chronicles of Jax?" I've struggled, written, rewritten, rearranged, revised, piled clippings and scraps and created a monster. No, not a monster, but clearly too much for a readable single work in this day. You know what? It is almost to the point where I feel comfortable that it is, well, not too bad. It has morphed into the Sehnali Chronicles.
What we will have here is a collection of the events our troop faces. I still lack key sketches I hope to include. Working on the Earth stories, the events when the Sehnali and crew encounter the humans. We are not all the different it appears. The future is yet to be written.
So where are we with "The Chronicles of Jax?" I've struggled, written, rewritten, rearranged, revised, piled clippings and scraps and created a monster. No, not a monster, but clearly too much for a readable single work in this day. You know what? It is almost to the point where I feel comfortable that it is, well, not too bad. It has morphed into the Sehnali Chronicles.
What we will have here is a collection of the events our troop faces. I still lack key sketches I hope to include. Working on the Earth stories, the events when the Sehnali and crew encounter the humans. We are not all the different it appears. The future is yet to be written.
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Two: Lynx and deer
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Almost everything
Favorite Animals
Lynx, deer
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Second Life
Favorite Quote
Jax of the Sahar: Time is not relative, the perception of time is relative.
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Well glad to have you back.