Views: 1290
Submissions: 20
Favs: 152
I am just a guy who wishes to mingle and make friends
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Comments Earned: 290
Comments Made: 538
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 538
Journals: 7
Featured Journal
Moving Out Need Help
a week ago
Soooo, I should have made this sooner, but I don't like asking for help unless I need it (that and I'm not sure anyone will help or even see this). I'm moving in with my dad and while he is preparing a job and stuff for me he wants me to have money when I go up there since he's not helping me outside of getting me a job. So I don't want to be broke when I move if anyone can help it'd be appreciated. Paypal will be below I also have Cashapp Venmo and Zelle, I also use Chime so if anyone needs that info feel free to poke me about it
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Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5, PC
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
Macaroni And Cheese