Views: 742
Submissions: 18
Favs: 67
Welcome here everyone to discover what insanity is behind my mind, I will share with you both of my main work when it's related to the furry universe and the naughty stuff that sometimes i could draw. Since my childhood i'm a huge fan of starfox and this game is the reason why I'm kind of furry today, so a place like this I feel like a second home in the furry art domain. Unfortunately with time goes on my time is running out and I cannot have enough of it to do anything I want, so I guess you will not see a lot of creation. I hope you will enjoy what you will see here.
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Comments Made: 21
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All of Kind
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Back to the Futur, Matrix, Ant-man, catch me if you can, sith sense, shawshank redemption, The others, fight club, seven, The mist, Zootopia, Space...
Favorite Games
Xenoblade X, Kid Icarus Uprising, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Grandia 2, Gotcha Force, Blazblue, Divinity Original Sin 2, The witcher 3, Daemon X Machi...
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Dreamcast, Wii, WiiU, 3DS, PSVITA, PC, Nintendo Switch
Favorite Animals
Foxes, Rabbits, Cats, Crows, Owls, Moray eel
Favorite Quote
never give up trust your instincts
Please watch and support the artists as well as they're the ones who make the amazing art.
Thanks again, and have an amazing day! ^w^