Views: 20734
Submissions: 184
Favs: 6366
Alright, this is the last time I promise, making an actual account to dump my sketches and stuff |D
gonna leave this here too cus sometimes i do be thirsty |3
gonna leave this here too cus sometimes i do be thirsty |3
Comments Earned: 187
Comments Made: 67
Journals: 8
Comments Made: 67
Journals: 8
Recent Journal
6 years ago
thursday night?? stream!?!!?
kind of in a bit of a fantasy mood, as opposed to pure smut. That said it's always a possibility.
thursday night?? stream!?!!?
kind of in a bit of a fantasy mood, as opposed to pure smut. That said it's always a possibility.
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Rat and/or mouse
There's not enough hyenas on your page. Or bats for that matter. Smh.