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Alright, Serious Time for the future of this Page
3 years ago
Please Read:
Okay to start; I've hit a wall with my writing itself for a long while, as you've all seen by the large amount of art instead of ACTUAL writing. The reasons for this are large in quantity, but it just boils down to one factor. Writing in the Colmaton Universe is...a tad restrictive creativity wise. But I emphasize I am NOT BASHING IT! I actually owe the Colmaton Universe itself and all the peeps I've met to developing something I've always wanted since I was a kid, superheroes and a lore to go with it. With the encouragement of some friends as well as their assistance, I'm going to be breaking off and not writing in the Colmaton Universe henceforth.
What does this mean?
The simple answer? I'll still write, but under my OWN terms and rules. The large answer? I'm going to do something I've always wanted to do since I joined up! I'M MAKING MY OWN SUPER UNIVERSE! This means Turbo, Power Tigress, Lea, and Paladice City as well as ALLL my characters will continue their adventures in this world!
Can Colmaton still use the lore and Characters you've established?
Yes, I will allow them to be used in crossovers, team-ups, but ONLY after I'm consulted first.
What is this new Universe you speak of?
I'll be making (to the best of my abilities) a PROPER Lore page for the world itself. But here's the bare bones;
It'll be a modern setting with fictional cities can be allowed within reason. I WILL allow alien species (but not TOO outlandish) think like space wolves, mice, etc. Super Beings have been around since the time of WWI and possibly earlier than that, the only reason they started getting more traction around the time of WWI was due to intelligence gathering, advancing technology, and better news coverage so it's possible to have VERY OLD Legacy Heroes.
And then there's the organization known as GUARDIAN. What is GUARDIAN? It's a covert and classified militant/intelligence agency that STRICTLY deals with the "Super Phenomenon" as it's called. They are based in and funded by the USA, however they coordinate with the worlds Government and answer DIRECTLY to the President. They have HIGHLY advanced Tech at their disposal, some alien while others are merely just advanced and cutting edge boarder lining on bleeding edge. They also coordinate and work with the worlds Superheroes. Some are on their payroll, while others operate on their own but at times work with GUARDIAN for better deployment and worldwide rescues/villain control. Their Director holds the title of 'Guardian Prime', but it's always someone different as the years go on.
What about the stories that ALREADY EXIST?
Weeeeeell, I'm going to put the COLMATON VERSIONS in the scraps of this account, and then Reupload them edited and fixed to the Guardian-Verse. So I can get a fresh start and progress from there.
WOW!! This sounds NEAT! Can I/We Join?
But of COURSE YOU CAN!!! I'm going to be making a Discord Server to better sort out the membership. When I do, I'll upload a Journal where appropriate. HOWEVER, few things. I am a nice and fun guy, but I have LIMITS. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying, starting stuff, getting uppity, antagonizing people. You get ONE WARNING, continue and you're gone.
But if you're interested in joining, simply reply here or note me on either of my accounts! Welp, onwards to the future! As a great man once said.
Okay to start; I've hit a wall with my writing itself for a long while, as you've all seen by the large amount of art instead of ACTUAL writing. The reasons for this are large in quantity, but it just boils down to one factor. Writing in the Colmaton Universe is...a tad restrictive creativity wise. But I emphasize I am NOT BASHING IT! I actually owe the Colmaton Universe itself and all the peeps I've met to developing something I've always wanted since I was a kid, superheroes and a lore to go with it. With the encouragement of some friends as well as their assistance, I'm going to be breaking off and not writing in the Colmaton Universe henceforth.
What does this mean?
The simple answer? I'll still write, but under my OWN terms and rules. The large answer? I'm going to do something I've always wanted to do since I joined up! I'M MAKING MY OWN SUPER UNIVERSE! This means Turbo, Power Tigress, Lea, and Paladice City as well as ALLL my characters will continue their adventures in this world!
Can Colmaton still use the lore and Characters you've established?
Yes, I will allow them to be used in crossovers, team-ups, but ONLY after I'm consulted first.
What is this new Universe you speak of?
I'll be making (to the best of my abilities) a PROPER Lore page for the world itself. But here's the bare bones;
It'll be a modern setting with fictional cities can be allowed within reason. I WILL allow alien species (but not TOO outlandish) think like space wolves, mice, etc. Super Beings have been around since the time of WWI and possibly earlier than that, the only reason they started getting more traction around the time of WWI was due to intelligence gathering, advancing technology, and better news coverage so it's possible to have VERY OLD Legacy Heroes.
And then there's the organization known as GUARDIAN. What is GUARDIAN? It's a covert and classified militant/intelligence agency that STRICTLY deals with the "Super Phenomenon" as it's called. They are based in and funded by the USA, however they coordinate with the worlds Government and answer DIRECTLY to the President. They have HIGHLY advanced Tech at their disposal, some alien while others are merely just advanced and cutting edge boarder lining on bleeding edge. They also coordinate and work with the worlds Superheroes. Some are on their payroll, while others operate on their own but at times work with GUARDIAN for better deployment and worldwide rescues/villain control. Their Director holds the title of 'Guardian Prime', but it's always someone different as the years go on.
What about the stories that ALREADY EXIST?
Weeeeeell, I'm going to put the COLMATON VERSIONS in the scraps of this account, and then Reupload them edited and fixed to the Guardian-Verse. So I can get a fresh start and progress from there.
WOW!! This sounds NEAT! Can I/We Join?
But of COURSE YOU CAN!!! I'm going to be making a Discord Server to better sort out the membership. When I do, I'll upload a Journal where appropriate. HOWEVER, few things. I am a nice and fun guy, but I have LIMITS. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying, starting stuff, getting uppity, antagonizing people. You get ONE WARNING, continue and you're gone.
But if you're interested in joining, simply reply here or note me on either of my accounts! Welp, onwards to the future! As a great man once said.
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