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Grid reference NO3703

near to Bonnybank, Fife, Scotland


We have 15 images in grid square NO3703


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We have 15 images for NO3703
 : Aithernie Castle by Jim Bain Aithernie Castle
Aithernie Castle near Leven. Not much of it left now.
 : Aithernie Dean by Richard Webb Aithernie Dean
Beneath Aithernie Castle.
 : Stubble field by James Allan Stubble field
Near Aithernie Castle.
 : Remains of a bridge on the East Fife Railway line by Sandy Gemmill Remains of a bridge on the East Fife Railway line
The view of the wall at the southern end of an embankment which carried the East Fife Central Railway from Lochty to Kennoway. The bridge over the path has been demolished and there is no sign of the supports on the southern side of the path.
 : Aithernie Castle by Jim Bain Aithernie Castle
Aithernie Castle near Leven. Not much of it left now.
 : Aithernie Dean by Richard Webb Aithernie Dean
A track runs across arable fields and down to the Letham Burn.
 : Trees on a rise by James Allan Trees on a rise
Near Aithernie Den.
 : Edge of a field by Sandy Gemmill Edge of a field
The right hand edge of this field can be followed to get to the track to Letham Farm.
 : Farm track by Sandy Gemmill Farm track
Farm track viewed at the junction where another similar track goes off to the right to Letham Farm.
 : Balgrummo Farm by Becky Williamson Balgrummo Farm
 : Benchmark on Balgrummo Cottage by Becky Williamson Benchmark on Balgrummo Cottage
Ordnance Survey benchmark, described on database at LinkExternal link.
 : Remains of a bridge on East Fife Central Railway Line by Becky Williamson Remains of a bridge on East Fife Central Railway Line
Near Balgrummo Cottages.
 : East Fife Central Railway at Burnside by Becky Williamson East Fife Central Railway at Burnside
Most of this branch of the railway line is now indistinct, but in places, it can still be seen, as here on an embankment between Balgrummo and Letham.
 : Ford through the Letham Burn in Aithernie Den by Richard Law Ford through the Letham Burn in Aithernie Den
The little-used ford takes a track through the woods to fields on the western side of the valley.
 : Aithernie Castle remains by Richard Law Aithernie Castle remains
The standing wall about 6m high, and probably the footings of some other low walls in the field (observable above ground in the early 1960s) are all that remains of the medieval house of Aithernie Castle, dating to the 16th or 17th century.... (more)

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