Christina Dodd's Blog - Posts Tagged "cover-art"

Vote on the WRONG ALIBI cover!

Let’s talk about book cover art for my upcoming book, WRONG ALIBI…


No! Don’t leave! It’ll be fun, I promise, and so much better than reading another scary article about the coronavirus or monster murder hornets. Right?

First, you might decide on the art by the book description:

Eighteen year old Evelyn Jones lands a job in small town Alaska, working for Donald White in his isolated mountain home. But her bright hopes for the future are shattered when he disappears, leaving her to face charges of theft, embezzlement — and a brutal double murder. Convicted, she faces life in prison.

Her escape leaves her scarred and in hiding, isolated from her family, working under an alias at a wilderness camp. Bent on justice, intent on recovering her life, she searches for the killer who slaughters without remorse.

At last, the day comes. Donald White has returned. Evelyn emerges from hiding. The fugitive becomes the hunter. But in her mind, she hears the whisper of other forces. Can Evelyn untangle the threads of evidence before she’s once again found with blood on her hands…the blood of her own family?

Next…remember I came up with the title WRONG ALIBI, which my publisher liked, then decided they wanted one that shouted “Alaska.” Over Thanksgiving, my family brainstormed, we came up with choices, you took a survey and decided which one you liked…and my publisher decided they really liked WRONG ALIBI. (Read about it here).

As soon as the title was decided on (the first time), I asked Assistant Judie to mock up a cover for my website, which she did, and I posted it on October 7. Let’s give Judie a hand!


On October 25, I received the first publisher cover concept. I liked it! It seemed scary and evocative. I expected to see a revised cover…

On January 6 , I received another, completely different cover. I do mean completely different, not like different colors or changed fonts. It was a whole new concept. I liked it, too. I made a couple of suggestions, waited to see the revised cover and…

On February 6 — you guessed it — another completely different cover appeared in my inbox. Completely different from the first two. Discussion and tweaks followed, and at long last, we have a final cover for WRONG ALIBI!


How can I show you the covers while making it fun and entertaining for you? Let’s try this:
— The three covers are up on a survey.
Look them over and vote on your favorite.
— Click for results and you’ll see the popular winner.
— Click again and you’ll see the cover my publisher chose for the book!


Want to discuss your choice, the popular choice, and the official final cover? There's a post on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM, and you can comment and discuss. You can also tweet at me on TWITTER (I’m @ChristinaDodd.)

I’m excited to see which cover wins the popular vote and what you have to say about the final WRONG ALIBI cover. Book covers are so important to sell to a new audience, but more important, I know you want the cover to feel right for the story.

I’ll send a follow-up letter with some of your more fun, enlightening comments.

One last very cool thing: , DEAD GIRL RUNNING,book 1 of the Cape Charade series , DEAD GIRL RUNNINGis on e-sale for $1.99 for Kindle and Nook, and for $3.99 for Kobo, Apple Books, and GooglePlay. As a bonus, includes the series introductory short story, HARD TO KILL. Yes, the short story is in the paperback, too!

Purchase here: DEAD GIRL RUNNING

As you continue in isolation or perhaps make your way slowly and carefully into a changed world, may you find health, happiness, and employment, and I hope books give you constant companionship, knowledge and comfort.

Christina Dodd
New York Times bestselling author who reminds you to:

Vote on the cover survey

Get your sale copy of DEAD GIRL RUNNING!!

Be safe — my readers are precious to me!
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Published on May 15, 2020 11:56 Tags: books, cover-art