Jayita Bhattacharjee
Goodreads Author
in Calcutta, India
Member Since
December 2012
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Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Let me be the way I'm born to be, writing love letters to the sea, in the quiet weaving of memories, making flowers of all that remains.
Let me be the way I'm born to be, drunken with ecstasy, unfurled freshly, for had I not known what agony is, I would have stayed furled as a bud in deep. Let me be the way I'm born to be, the lover of serenity, for had I not left the crowds of people, I would have never known what solitude truly is. Let me be the way I'm born to be, the solitary soul, aware, awake, and playful with life.” ...more Jayita Bhattacharjee |
Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Unknowingly, we kill our finest feelings, and the heart is torn in deep, for the bud never got a chance to open, and shoots of joy remained unfelt. Being still, we meet ourselves, eye to eye, and discover our undiscovered selves, that we are the poets, the dreamers, and the lovers sleeping inside.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee |
Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Love is a shared journey as that of a mountain and a valley, a flower and the light, the moon and the night, each thirsty for one another in the silent trembling of lips. Love is that in which two halves melt to become one whole, the extraordinary that is unafraid to walk in the unknown. Love is that which ignites the power, seeded deep within. It reflects the virtue and the vice, the light and the dark in the moments of soul gazing. In the light of love, the dreams come to life, and every failure turns into conquest. Love is not about losing yourself in the madness but about finding how life-altering can be that madness!”
Jayita Bhattacharjee |
“I began becoming that girl again, the girl who had wildflowers in hair, and madness in her soul, the girl who danced, trembling with emotions. I began becoming that girl again, the girl who sang her soul, longing to drink the wine of life again.....”
“Every story begins somewhere, some in the rain of forgotten yesterdays and some in the scent of autumn leaves...”
“Awaken the dreamer within you, arouse the lover inside you, inspire the artist sleeping in you to find the solace in the light of grief that is bleeding in you, so you can be a dreamer, a lover, an artist, all over again.”
“Love is in the hunger between the unwritten lyrics.
It is the meeting where time trembles,
it is then that poetry comes in search of you both...”
It is the meeting where time trembles,
it is then that poetry comes in search of you both...”
“You are the beautiful song waiting to be sung
You are the beautiful story waiting to be told.....”
You are the beautiful story waiting to be told.....”

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