Chris  Johnson

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Chris Johnson

Goodreads Author




Member Since
March 2016


Chris Johnson was born at a very young age to parents who seemed to treat him like a child for most of his early life, until the day he finally ran away to Brisbane. After many adventures across Australia as an entertainer, and spending time as a computer programmer and a salesperson, Chris returned to Brisbane where he lives with his family.

On the side, Chris is also a qualified mentalist and an expert in reading people. His unique insight to their mindsets allows him to create deep characters, as well as reach into your thoughts and deliver your fears and fantasies as engaging stories.

Whle not writing, Chris can be found either eating Cheezels dipped in yoghurt, reading, practising kung fu, or running. Chris, a stage mentalist and illusio

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Chris Johnson One word at a time. (I had writer's block answering this question)

Seriously, just write. Sometimes writing a story can actually bring out twists and t…more
One word at a time. (I had writer's block answering this question)

Seriously, just write. Sometimes writing a story can actually bring out twists and turns that you don't expect. The characters may dictate how something happens or something else in that universe happens out of their control as well. That is when the story takes a whole different track (similar to how "One Man's Wife" changed on me while I wrote it).

"No More Goodbyes" was another one that took a different twist. I was thinking of making it a phantom hitch-hiker story but it became something else altogether.

Just do it (writing). If you type one sentence about how you feel, you have come close to breaking it than someone who looks at a blank page or screen and wallows in it.(less)
Chris Johnson I use my iPhone to record my snoring. Last night, it recorded heavy footsteps, and I live alone.
Average rating: 4.45 · 101 ratings · 79 reviews · 13 distinct works
Dead Cell (Craig Ramsey #1)

4.54 avg rating — 37 ratings4 editions
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Bootstrap’s Journey

4.55 avg rating — 20 ratings3 editions
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Demon Blade (Craig Ramsey #2)

4.44 avg rating — 9 ratings3 editions
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While He Was Sleeping

4.75 avg rating — 8 ratings2 editions
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The Trick

3.60 avg rating — 10 ratings — published 2016 — 4 editions
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Twelve Strokes of Midnight

4.60 avg rating — 5 ratings5 editions
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The Bag of Life

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 5 ratings — published 2017 — 4 editions
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The Universe Crack'd

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 3 ratings3 editions
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Date with Norma Jean

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 2 ratings2 editions
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Déjà Two (Craig Ramsey, #0.5)

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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Call Me: the Story Behind The Story

One of my first published stories is dedicated to someone I never knew.

A lady called Hannah.

That's all I know about her. I've never seen the way she walks, so I don't know how many men's furtive glances she attracts while grocery shopping. Nor have I seen the light dancing from her eyes.

Only her voice drifts through my memory, and the shock and fear that tinged it when she mistakenly dialled my nu

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Published on January 08, 2023 13:24 Tags: background-story, supernatural, suspense, thriller
Dead Cell Demon Blade
(2 books)
4.53 avg rating — 47 ratings

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" Jason wrote: "If you find a facebook group called "Promote your book" or words to that effect, or a group about promoting your books, I wouldn't bothe ...more "
" Hello, can you please fix the following?
(I publish via Draft2Digital, KDP, Google, and Kobo. Do you know how I can avoid having this turn up for anoth
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Chris Johnson is now friends with CG Birrell
Chris Johnson rated a book really liked it
The Nazi Alchemist by Gomery Kimber
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"The Nazi Alchemist" by Gomery Kimber is a riveting blend of history, fiction, and mysticism that captivates from start to finish. Set against the backdrop of Nazi Germany and World War II, the story delves into the depths of occultism and the pursui ...more
Chris Johnson rated a book it was amazing
Live and Let Die by Ian Fleming
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It’s so long since I first read this in 1987. But it’s still a good book.

Some might not like the language and accents as written for the Harlem or Jamaican folks. I find it adds authenticity, based on my own experiences and memories.

Mr Big is a truly
The Paradox of Buck Nowlan by Chris  Johnson
"I fairly raced through this wonderful book by the talented Chris Johnson, barely stopping for coffee refills. In parts thrilling and educational, with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, I highly recommend "The Paradox of Buck Nowlan" to anyone interes" Read more of this review »
Chris Johnson rated a book really liked it
The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft by H.P. Lovecraft
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I found this book quite good as a primer for anyone wanting to soak in the potions offered by Weird Fiction.

For the times, Lovecraft was a unique writer in his style. Putting aside his genre, I looked at other comparable authors from the same period
Chris Johnson rated a book it was amazing
The 39 Steps by John Buchan
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Although aged, this is still a great espionage yarn to read. It kept me turning pages all the way. Its tight design and narration spurs the story well.
Chris Johnson rated a book it was amazing
Casino Royale by Ian Fleming
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Better than the movie. Although written in 1953, it still reads quite well. Towards the end, a chapter is devoted to James Bond's thoughts about his profession. Without saying too much, it involves the difficulty between recognising the heroes from t ...more
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I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control
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“A short story is a different thing altogether – a short story is like a quick kiss in the dark from a stranger.”
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“funny how easily we forget the good times while the nightmares haunt us. Guess that’s a survival mechanism. We’re not here to be happy; we’re just here to be here. I”
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message 1: by Chris

Chris Johnson HELENE wrote: "

Any book review requests will be highly appreciated. Kindle book requests available on request."

Do you mean you want to review my books?

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