Best Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy Anthologies
For those people that love reading short stories and finding new PNR/UF authors!
169 books ·
293 voters ·
list created February 28th, 2010
by Kelley Anne (votes) .
Kelley Anne
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message 1:
Feb 28, 2010 02:51AM
I added a few more
I think as long as there are multiple stories it could be considered an anthology, but I think for the purpose of the March pnr challenge it is supposed to have multiple authors...maybe?
Maybe? On the March challenge thread, someone asked if someone could start a list of anthologies Kelley Anne posted this link so I just assumed... I haven't looked at everything here so I could be totally wrong...
Oh no you're probably right.
Anyway, I'm just advertising the book then. It's gooooood people, read it, read it!
Anyway, I'm just advertising the book then. It's gooooood people, read it, read it!
Annvelwis - I added some that I hadn't read yet either. I know that these lists are usually for voting on your favs but like Tara said, I opened this up to help people find anthologies for the March challenge.
Mel - I agree! That's a fantastic book! One of my favs.
Charlotte - Paranormal Romance (or PNR) are usually standard romance books but they all have some touch of supernatural either vampires, shifters (like werewolves), witches, fairies, necromancers, etc. Urban Fantasy (or UF) also all are supernatural, but romance isn't one of the main story lines. Also, Urban fantasty takes place in our every day world, but with supernatural beings. So, like imagine your city but with vampires in it.
Those are the basic deffinitions!
Mel - I agree! That's a fantastic book! One of my favs.
Charlotte - Paranormal Romance (or PNR) are usually standard romance books but they all have some touch of supernatural either vampires, shifters (like werewolves), witches, fairies, necromancers, etc. Urban Fantasy (or UF) also all are supernatural, but romance isn't one of the main story lines. Also, Urban fantasty takes place in our every day world, but with supernatural beings. So, like imagine your city but with vampires in it.
Those are the basic deffinitions!
Deep kiss of Winter is twice on the list
and The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf, How to Flirt with Naked Wrewolf and Nice Girls don't have fangs and ALL other Molly Harper books and Harry Potter and Twilight are not anthologies
and The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf, How to Flirt with Naked Wrewolf and Nice Girls don't have fangs and ALL other Molly Harper books and Harry Potter and Twilight are not anthologies
I started to do some clean up, there are a ton of non- anthologies on this list. I removed 12 books so far that I knew were not anthologies because I have read them (all of the Jeanine Frost Night Huntress and Night Huntress World books, Breaking Dawn, Harry Potter, one of the PC Cast House of NIght books, and two books from the Cassie Palmer series by Karen Chance). I'll revisit later and keep working on it. I'll need to just double check before I remove since I'm not familia with a bunch of them, and book removal is tedious the way GR has it set up.
Tara wrote: "I started to do some clean up, there are a ton of non- anthologies on this list. I removed 12 books so far that I knew were not anthologies because I have read them (all of the Jeanine Frost Night..."
You can delete all the books by Molly Harper - those are definitely not anthologies
and the books by cassandra clare too
You can delete all the books by Molly Harper - those are definitely not anthologies
and the books by cassandra clare too
Ok, I think we are all cleaned up. No more Molly Harper or Cassandra Clare and I caught a few more Karen Chance books and a few others that didn't fit. There are still a few I question if they are anthologies but not sure if they are PNR/UF. Also, the list has a lot of short story collections by the same author, and I'm not sure if we are counting those as anthologies so I left them, If we want them there I would change the description to indicate that.
There are way too many book that are NOT anthologies. Some are just shorts, some are novels, some are collections, not anthologies. I can accept the Collections, they are like anthologies only with a single author, not multiple authors. — It's TOO frustrating to wade through all the stuff that doesn't fit. There has to be twenty of more.
I came here to see if there were any new paranormal anthologies, because it seems like it's been ages since one came out. I realized, however, that this list has mostly been abandonned, likely because it has been spammed with dozens and dozens of submissions that have nothing to do with the explicit intent of the list. Is it just that rabid fans want to vote for their favorite books everywhere and add them to completely inappropriate lists? I don't know, but I just went through and deleted probably 75 books that were full novels. We'll see how long the clean-up lasts...
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