Bohdi Sanders Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bohdi-sanders-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 40
Bohdi Sanders
“When someone stabs you in the back and then apologizes, accept the apology, but don't give him the knife back to do it again!”
Bohdi Sanders, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior

Bohdi Sanders
“Train to be able to defend yourself against any attack, and at the same time, retain your good heart towards other people. Don't allow bad people to turn your heart hard, but always be ready to defend yourself should you have to.”
Bohdi Sanders, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior

Bohdi Sanders
“Be independent of the opinions of others. Don’t be easily influenced by what they say or what they believe. You have to take the time to meditate on what you know is right and wrong. Know what your code of ethics is and do not allow the arguments of others to cause you to doubt what you know is right. You must remain true to your convictions, even if everyone else disagrees with you.”
Bohdi Sanders, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior

Bohdi Sanders
“Refuse to give up on your path because of the opinions of others. Refuse to be swayed by those who do not walk in your shoes and do not understand your journey.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Be above the negative energy of others. Refuse to allow their negativity to affect you. Instead, allow your positive energy to cancel their negative energy.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“You will find that if you will always stand for what's right, your self-confidence will increase. The more you stand for your values, the easier it will become to stand against the pressures of life. Soon, you will become a rock that cannot be moved, even in the greatest storms.”
Bohdi Sanders, Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man

Bohdi Sanders
“Stop worrying about what other people think and decide who you want to be, and then be that person. Worrying about what other people think puts you in chains and limits what you can do because you are constrained by fitting in the mold that others make for you. Break out of that mold and become independent of the thoughts of others.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Always find a way to profit from the actions of your haters. When they go low, use them as stepping stones!”
Bohdi Sanders

Bohdi Sanders
“The repercussion of your thoughts are like ripples in the water; you never know how far they will reach.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Funny how those who can't are always criticizing those who do.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Staying on your chosen path is okay.
Exploring new paths is okay.
Starting over is okay.
Allowing other people’s opinions
to cause you to quit is NOT okay!”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Failures are nothing more than the dues you have to pay to get where you want to be in life.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“The best you can do is the best that you can do; just make sure that you are actually doing the best that you can do and not deceiving yourself.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Speak to people in a way that if they died the next day, you’d be satisfied with the last thing you said to them.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“You do not have to prove yourself to anyone, nor do you have to justify your beliefs or the way you live your life.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Your thoughts become your desires; your desires lead to your actions; your actions change your life.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“You must be aware of the words, thoughts, and beliefs that you are constantly feeding your subconscious mind. It does no good to spend 10 minutes on positive affirmations and then spend the rest of the day carelessly speaking negatively about yourself and putting yourself down. Ten minutes of positive affirmations will not cancel out an entire day of negative, self-defeating speech!”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“When your intentions are right and honorable, then your conscience is clear.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Bohdi Sanders
“Don’t let anyone see the full extent of your power or talents. Always keep something hidden in reserve.”
Bohdi Sanders, Strategic Wisdom: Mastering the Game of Life

Bohdi Sanders
“It is your intention that determines your honor. While it is acceptable to deceive people to protect yourself or your family, it is totally unacceptable to flat out lie to people to profit from your deception. The first is an honorable act, while the latter is totally dishonorable.”
Bohdi Sanders, Strategic Wisdom: Mastering the Game of Life

Bohdi Sanders
“When you have a powerful urge to act on pure emotion, stop yourself and think rationally.”
Bohdi Sanders, Musashi's Dokkodo: The Way of the Lone Warrior

Bohdi Sanders
“Winners go beyond the bare minimum. Just “getting done” doesn’t cut it. Shoot for excellence in everything that you do.”
Bohdi Sanders, Strategic Wisdom: Mastering the Game of Life

Bohdi Sanders
“Your reputation is what other people think about you; your honor depends exclusively on you, not the opinions of others.”
Bohdi Sanders, Musashi's Dokkodo: The Way of the Lone Warrior

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