Breaking Rules Quotes

Quotes tagged as "breaking-rules" Showing 1-30 of 30
Ray A. Davis
“Following all the rules leaves a completed checklist. Following your heart achieves a completed you.”
Ray A. Davis

Kyra Davis
“Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. We have to break the rules. And we have to discover the sensuality of fear. We need to face it, challenge it, dance with it.”
Kyra Davis

Ashok  Kallarakkal
“If you do not see light at the end of the tunnel, consider it an opportunity to create an opening yourself, wherever you want.”
Ashok Kallarakkal

Janet Fitch
“She was breaking her rules. They weren't stone after all, only small and fragile as paper cranes.... I understood why she held to them so hard. Once you break the first one, they all broke, one by one, like firecrackers exploding in your face in a parking lot on the Fourth of July.”
Janet Fitch, White Oleander

Dan Pearce
“Nobody on Earth can tell you how you should live your life. Nobody with any real authority anyway.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

“Good.” He grinned.
“I was kind of worried you’d say no. It’s like so against the rules it’s not even funny.”
I smiled. “Well. I have to say, Jack Diamond, you’ve demonstrated a deplorable lack of respect for all of my rules.”
He chuckled. “Never met a rule I couldn’t break.”
Audrey Bell, Love Show

Dan Pearce
“While you're sitting there wondering why you've kept all the rules and you still haven't achieved everything you've been promised, someone else has been breaking all the rules and seeing all the success that comes from doing so.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

“I had artistic classical training, and when you learn the classics for so many years, you might gain audacity, power and confidence to subvert everything. I am like the originals buffoons. I love the rules because I can break them.”
Nuno Roque

Fuminori Nakamura
“You could say that everything had become weirdly distorted because I'd broken the rules so many times.”
Fuminori Nakamura, Evil and the Mask

“Bend the rules only if you have learned them; break the rules only if you have mastered them.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“​Who gets to Live? You or Your Rules?”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Dan Pearce
“Most rules are made by people with no authority who want to control and limit you from reaching your true potential. Ignore them, break their rules, and wave at them as you soar past them to greatness.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Robert Jordan
“Larine had a bright future ahead of her, but she had to learn to obey the rules before she could begin learning which could be broken and when.”
Robert Jordan (Crossroads of Twilight, Wheel of Time #10)

Josh Steimle
“If you must break a rule, break it on purpose. That includes this rule.”
Josh Steimle

“If never a rule broken is never any fun had.”

“Pues así como estoy, me voy a ir. Venid, venid, compañeros los que estáis presentes y ausentes; y con hachas en las manos corred hacia el lugar famoso. Y yo, puesto que mi opinión así ha cambiado, y yo mismo la
aprisioné, quiero estar presente para salvarla; pues temo no sea la mejor resolución el vivir observando las leyes establecidas.”
Sophocles, Antigone

Michele L. Rivera
“Invisible lines, unbreakable rules
Could all bend at the mercy of love”
Michele L. Rivera, Never the Same

Ogwo David Emenike
“A man's life is about keeping rules, breaking them, and making new ones.”
Ogwo David Emenike

Chad Alan Gibbs
“Come on, we've got some international laws to break.”
Chad Alan Gibbs, Two Like Me and You

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Some rules are so nonsensical, they’re meant to be broken.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

Louis Yako
“My mom gave me life
When I gave her back silence not a grandchild,
She reconsidered the entire cycle of life…

(July 1, 2015)”
Louis Yako, أنا زهرة برية [I am a Wildflower]

Roy Duffield
“If their rules made sense
and sense ruled—
If their laws weren’t so brok- en
I wouldn’t break ‘em.”
Roy Duffield, Bacchus Against the Wall

“Byl nesmírně vnímavý, a to pro něho znamenalo problémy. Chápal svět úplně jinak. Nedokázal v něm normálně fungovat. Všechny ty zákonitosti, nařízení, pravidla. Možná proto si mě získal. Jako bych se viděl v zrcadle, tak mi byl ve své podstatě podobný. Můj bože, ten byl ale nešťastný!”

“Some-times it’s very good to break the rules and do what you want and supposed not to do.
It gives a new mould to life.
New place, music, new weather and on a very right time, it feels awesome with your favorite songs, and by knowing that, some-one is caring about you in some-where else, in the campus, in the home, and in home-town also, gives a feeling that will fill your heart with the joy of happiness and the proud of having a good life which is full with surprises and sometimes adventures too.”
Dhruv Agrawal

Sofiya Pasternack
“The unspoken rule of magic in Zmeyreka— and maybe all of Kievan Rus’— was that if you were going to use it, make sure no one saw you.”
Sofiya Pasternack, Anya and the Dragon

“Life is a game with breaking the rules.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Steven Magee
“Proper discipline hurts.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Discipline does not work without some form of pain.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You want an apology because I disciplined you? Absolutely...not!”
Steven Magee

Stewart Stafford
“Proponents of established norms often push rules like 'Write what you know' on new writers. In truth, everything we write is about us, whether we realise it or not. The texts and subtexts we create are layered with our worldview, imagination, passions, sense of humour, blind spots, biases, and fears. In my novel 'The Vorbing,' the opening vampire attack was something I only understood years later as my way of dealing with PTSD from a real violent incident, proving how our personal experiences shape our writing in ways we might not even notice.”
Stewart Stafford