Channeling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "channeling" Showing 1-30 of 145
“Playfulness, dear friends, is what manifests love. Love is not manifested through serious survivability, seriousness, stabilility. Love, the essence of love, manifests itself through playfulness.”
Réné Gaudette

Sarah Rajkotwala
“The earth sometimes rewards humans who do good works for the planet. Look out for unexpected windfalls of produce from the earth such as baskets of fruit or vegetables given to you unexpectedly, nature handcrafts, or a bunch of flowers picked from a beloved garden. These are all signs that the gifts not only came from the giver but from Mother Earth herself. - Fairy of the woods”
Sarah Rajkotwala, The Year Of Talking To Plants: The plants and fairies talk in their own words

“Simply give to yourselves that which you need – which is love and appreciation without judgment.”
Réné Gaudette

“Never fear Love's absence in your life, because it already exists within you, in great abundance.”
Eleesha, The Soulful Pathway to Love: 100 channeled affirmations and quotes to attract true love into your life

“In relationships, you cannot give to another that which they need, you can only share who you are.”
Réné Gaudette

“I find that most channeled discourses possess the spiritual and philosophical sophistication of a Dick-and-Jane book.”
D. Scott Rogo

Linden Morningstar
“I believe I have said this before, but it’s worth repeating. The patient’s resources stop where the therapist’s beliefs stop. It is critical that the therapist have an open mind and complete faith in the patient’s deeper resources. The most formidable and potent resources must be approached with respect, taken seriously and accepted on faith. Understand the information and knowledge shared with the therapist is entirely dependent on his or her level of development, their ability to properly use what is communicated for the patient’s or therapist’s benefit and welfare, and the level of trust and belief the resource has in the therapist. The success of their bond and their mission is founded on mutual trust, respect, and faith in each others abilities and potentials. Remember this!”

The Guardian”
Linden Morningstar, Gloria Rising

“That which you fear the most, you attract easiest.”
Réné Gaudette

“Every thought is a creative energy that moves the universe to action.”
Réné Gaudette

Linden Morningstar
“I know if I died tonight, I would die a happy man at peace with myself knowing Gloria’s story would finally be told—a mysterious and astonishing story that defies the timeworn precepts of modern psychology and psychiatry—where insanity, genius, the metaphysical, and the mystery of life come together to beguile and confound our contemporary understanding of the mind and its limitless powers to heal.
Dr. Adam Jaxon”
Linden Morningstar, Gloria Rising

“T-4.I.2. Many stand guard over their ideas because they want to protect their thought systems as they are, and learning means change. Change is always fearful to the separated, because they cannot conceive of it as a move towards healing the separation. They always perceive it as a move toward further separation, because the separation was their first experience of change.”
Foundation for Inner Peace, A course in miracles: Text, Vol. 1

“The word “inevitable” is fearful to the ego, but joyous to the spirit. God is inevitable, and you cannot avoid Him any more than He can avoid you.”
Foundation for Inner Peace, A course in miracles: Text, Vol. 1

“T-4.II.4. Think of the love of animals for their offspring, and the need they feel to protect them. That is because they regard them as part of themselves. No one dismisses something he considers part of himself. You react to your ego much as God does to His creations,–with love, protection and charity. Your reactions to the self you made are not surprising. In fact, they resemble in many ways how you will one day react to your real creations, which are as timeless as you are. The question is not how you respond to the ego, but what you believe you are. Belief is an ego function, and as long as your origin is open to belief you are regarding it from an ego viewpoint. When teaching is no longer necessary you will merely know God. Belief that there is another way of perceiving is the loftiest idea of which ego thinking is capable. That is because it contains a hint of recognition that the ego is not the Self.”
Foundation for Inner Peace, A course in miracles: Text, Vol. 1

“T-4.II.6. Only those who have a real and lasting
sense of abundance can be truly charitable. This is
obvious when you consider what is involved. To
the ego, to give anything implies that you will
have to do without it. When you associate giving
with sacrifice, you give only because you believe
that you are somehow getting something better,
and can therefore do without the thing you give.
“Giving to get” is an inescapable law of the ego, which always evaluates itself in relation to other egos. It is therefore continually preoccupied with the belief in scarcity that gave rise to it. Its whole perception of other egos as real is only an attempt to convince itself that it is real. “Self-esteem” in ego terms means nothing more than that the ego has deluded itself into accepting its reality, and is therefore temporarily less predatory. This “self-esteem” is always vulnerable to stress, a term which refers to any perceived threat to the ego’s existence.”
Foundation for Inner Peace, A course in miracles: Text, Vol. 1

Criss Jami
“So it seems the case that plenty of everyday people are in deed 'hate-filled' (but it's unreleased) - the beast within is caged - until they unleash it, this secret, in 'agreement', on some common foe, and though like a freer bill, the pay is still rage.”
Criss Jami

“You can always feel when a woman is a clear channel for her sensuality. There is no unconscious rebellion in her energy that’s making her hard to love.”
Lebo Grand

“The simplicity of existence is that it is. The complexity of existence is that it is not.”
Réné Gaudette

“Joy is not something you look for, it is simply something you have to choose to apply.”
Réné Gaudette

“Fear is very simple – it is the absence of love.”
Réné Gaudette

“T-4.II.5. Undermining the ego’s thought system must be perceived as painful, even though this is anything but true. Babies scream in rage if you take away a knife or scissors, although they may well harm themselves if you do not. In this sense you are still a baby. You have no sense of real selfpreservation, and are likely to decide that you need precisely what would hurt you most.”
Foundation for Inner Peace, A course in miracles: Text, Vol. 1

“We are not here to give you the answer. We are here to give you an opportunity to have an insight and realize that you had the answers within the whole time. You couldn't recognize the answer without having it inside of you to begin with.”
Jessie & Jason, How The Creation Reveals The Creator

Anthon St. Maarten
“Mediumship channels guidance from those who have gone before, not only for the sake of those who are here, but also for those yet to come.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Erica Alex
“Planets, incessantly ringing in each of my ears.”
Erica Alex, Cake in the Blackbird Stew

Mwendwa Mbaabu
“Love heals all things, for love is truth. Love is who we are essentially.
All pain, suffering, and inharmony result from the forgetting of who we are which causes us to CONTRACT. The illusion of separation from our innate perfection, from our source, and from each other, is what causes all limitation and hence our suffering.
The return to love, the love that we truly are, is the only thing that heals all things. Love caused us to EXPAND into our true nature.
There are only two decisions we can make in any moment. LOVE or FEAR. When we choose fear, we separate ourselves from the grace, truth, perfection that is the truth of who we are, and only inharmony follows (in our minds, bodies, relationships, souls etc.)
The pathway home is the rememberance of LOVE.”
Mwendwa Mbaabu

Rory Walkom
“We all have the built-in ability to tune in and receive messages from those in spirit.”
Rory Walkom, 11 Lessons from My Dead Dad: How I Learned To Communicate With My Passed Loved Ones & How You Can Too

Paula Marucci
“Life is a circle it travels around,
Leaving yourself where you're nowhere to be found,
In loneliness and horror and ever so more,
Life is a circle for you to explore.”
Paula Marucci, Fruit Fly Intelligence: Awareness of our Interconnections with All That Is Leads to an Extraordinary Life!

“Channeling is an amazing tool that many may find as a huge service to themselves as they step forward in coming to know themselves in greater depth. There are many ways of channeling, but the simplest and often the easiest form that channeling can be opened for people is in establishing an opening to your higher self, or guides that have been assigned to you.”
Gwen Juvenal, Our New Story: Guides in the Garden Volume 1

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